Sep 29, 2005


Just received a very 'generous' gift from Betty and Ray after their visit to our home...
Being on the receiving awesome....
I had a friend tell me long ago...
"You know the other half of receiving!"
Learning 'how' to be a 'gracious receiver' .....
when it is 'more fun' to give....
is quite a lesson of life.....
I'm 'in the process' of learning how to be a gracious receiver.....
Am reminded of some things I learned long ago about....
Giving and Receiving......
Always remember anyone who has helped you when you've needed it most...
Bless all situations that come into your life for the lessons and gifts
they bring you.
Remember that all things given and received ......
emanate from generosity.
Giving is an act of gratitude.
Plant the seeds of generosity through your acts of giving,
and you will grow the fruits of abundance
for yourself and those around you.
You can not....'outgive' God!

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