A "Miracle" is.....Common!
With seven loaves of bread and a few small fish....
Jesus fed four thousand people, and still
had seven baskets of food left over!
We call this a.....Miracle!
Certainly it was....unusual.
But it is NOT only the unusual that is miraculous.
It is usual for you, I, and others to rise each morning with
strength enough to put on clothes and go to work and about our day.
This is a repeating miracle each day.
Your heart keeps pumping, your brain keeps ticking and your lungs keep breathing -
all because an utterly strange power called...life...surges through you and I.
It's the usual thing,
but it is a miracle nonetheless!
If your heart should falter and threaten to stop,
and the doctor gives you only a 100 to 1 chance to live -
and you pray-
and health surges back like a tide-
this you would call a....miracle...
This extraordinary turn toward health is, however,
no greater a miracle than that your heart has kept pumping,
seventy-two beats or more a minute,
for twenty, thirty years, fifty years, eighty years or more....
Let us live each day in the
Wonder and Awe
of a loving God who gives us life here now, 2006....
and in heaven hereafter.....forever!
With God nothing is impossible!
This is the rock of faith on which we live and work.
The routine gifts given day by day are His Work.
The sun that shines and the rose that blooms are the
wonder-works of His Hands.
But there are greater miracles still, silent and unseen.
He has created us to live with Him.....
on this earth and in....Heaven....
Heaven is the home of God, and of ALL who are HIS!
Easter and the 'event of the resurrection'
is too big for mere words....
"Christ is Risen....Because He lives,
You too shall live"....
People are 'Captured By The Mystery'
of these words....
Easter brings a fullness of life surging through our faith and
creates an experience of the heart
which makes us grateful to be......ALIVE!
Even the birds 'feel' Easter....just listen to their symphony of joy....
God does not expect us to sing hymns ALL DAY though.
He has created and designed a special ritual of thanksgiving
here upon the earth
that transcends mere words....
To LOVE and HELP and SERVE our brothers and sisters in need ~
this is the language of thanks which He calls us to use.
Easter makes us 'glad to be alive' and speak the language of
gratitude and love, out of a Heart of God,
It bursts through our being as a surge of miraculous power
and we exclaim with utter joy.....
"It IS A Good Life!".....
Happy "Joy-Filled" Easter You'll!
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