Sep 18, 2006



In quiet moments of reflection,
I feel a stirring of God's joy deep in my heart.
This is a joy that is waiting to be given full expression in my life.
I appreciate the happiness I feel in even the simplest of times:
when the fun-loving antics of a child cause me to laugh
or the sun shines warmly on my face
or I look into the face of a new-born child....
In quiet times and in times full with activity,
the joy of God wells up from deep within me and
overflows out to those around me.
And like a ripple in a pond,
joy spreads out touching person after person.
Joy also returns to me.....
I see it in the faces of others and hear it in their laughter.
I welcome the joy of God and its power to transform my life.
Joy brings out divine qualities in me as
I give it full expression in my life.
~Psalm 5:11..."Let all who take refuge in You rejoice;
let them ever sing for joy."

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