Oct 8, 2006

LOVE is the reason for.....L i v i n g!

I write my morning prayers in a personal journal...in the past I would compile some of these prayers and print them in little books of inspiration for my family and friends...today I am going to include one of those prayers, about love, here.

"Lord, as You have taught me....Love is the reason for Living! Those who live in Love....live in God...and God lives in them. This is how Love is made perfect in us:....a person can not have Love...the real Love....Without God....because simple put as it says in 1John 4:8b.....God IS Love.... Love is not 'something you DO'....it is WHO YOU ARE!

Love comes from......LOVE.

like apples comes f rom an apple tree...oranges comes from an orange tree.....Love comes from the Love source.....YOU !

Doesn't get much 'plainer' or better than this does it dear Father? Now, also, Love gives.....'For God so loved....that he gave....(John 3:16)...Love is a giver + not a 'taker'....anyone who lives in Love wants to GIVE....this is a 'sure sign' of one who knows YOU (love) personally......But, Lord, I have learned....'you can not 'outgive' YOU our God!

God, You are the greatest of all....giver.

Make me more like You, I pray.

......Your word says all of the above simply and clearly............................. (1John 4:14)..."So you see, our love for HIM comes as a result of....HIS LOVING US FIRST....We can only return what you have first given us......for....GOD IS LOVE"....Don't you know? In Jesus Name, Amen

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