Oct 2, 2006


Peace Be With You.....
This sounds like a normal greeting on Sunday morn
heard in churches all over America and.....elsewhere .....
Yet at times these words roll off of the tongue without the true
essence of their meaning ever being impacted upon the
mind and heart!
Of course, I'm speaking 'from experience' , don't you know!
I'm reminded of the 'olden days' when a friend or neighbor died,
in the South, don't you know,
and one of the questions asked of him or her was,
"Did she make her 'peace with God' before she died?"
This was a pertinent question somehow that I never understood as a child...
Why was that important?
Now I find myself saying at times about certain incidents,
"I just don't have peace about that!" or
'that upset me or made me very mad.....
but I prayed about it and now I have peace about it!'
PEACE is vital to.......good health!
Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual...
If I don't walk in constant, daily peace with myself and God,
I am out of sync with the essence of life for....me.
...In one modern version of the Bible it reads....
"Let the peace that Christ gives, control your thinking...."(Colossians 3:15)
The peace I need daily, I can't get by myself...I need 'outside help'...
Ask a Mother Theresa type person how they deal with all the
injustice in life aimed at the 'forgotten'....
Work in a domestic shelter for a few days and 'feel' how 'angry' you get!
Look in the face of a 'neglected child' and 'feel' your heart break....
We are inundated by the news with much of the above....how can
this not penetrate our hearts and cause us anxiety and stress?
Taking action is necessary and helps.....
but our minds and hearts rebel and must be....'laid to rest'.
It is in this that the simple prayer of..
"Lord, let the PEACE that Christ gives.....
set my mind and heart to rest today...
It is for this I pray..."
This, too, is my prayer for YOU.....Peace Be With You....
and I truly mean it, don' t you know?

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