Oct 21, 2006

Thank You...
Having a 'grateful heart' is a beautiful sight to see!
Lately I've observed some people who have this....and some who do not!
Those that do not have this.....are truly missing out on a thrilling way to live .
Even Jesus made note of the 'grateful heart' experience when he healed 10 lepers (in Luke 17:11-19) AND ONLY ONE CAME BACK AND THANKED HIM!
Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the nine? Does only this one return to give thanks and acknowledge God?"
How in the world could anyone who has received such a blessing of life as 'healing' not be so thrilled that their heart would shout with appreciation, gratefulness and thanksgiving?
I really do not know because my humanness has to tell...and thank the persons responsible for blessing me personally...
This is also true of the 'little things of life'.
When someone, anyone, does something 'nice' for me....my heart fills with an emotion of gladness to the degree that I want to reach out to that person and hug and kiss and hug and kiss and say, "God bless you, honey, for being so good to me"....I thank, thank, thank you sooooo much! My heart must convey what mere words can not.....sooo I go and tell 'God' how wonderful this person has been to me (as if He doesn't know) and would He please help me by blessing them Himself. Then I look for human ways and actions to show my gratitude to this dear one.
As I write a 'thank you' note, my heart explodes with gladness and this emotion finds it way into my words...but this must be done quickly after the event while the heart is filled to the top with......this valuable emotion called 'gratitude'.
Left neglected, gratitude slips quietly away and is soon replaced with complacency or a 'taking for granted' attitude.
Nothing sours the soul like an 'ungrateful' heart!
Saying 'thank you' is only 'manners' we learned at our 'Mother's knee', at Kindergarten, from caring parents......
Is it really so hard to say a simple 'Thank you'?
Thank you, Dear One, for taking the time to read
my 'wrambling writing' page....God Bless your heart....Today!

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