Wonderful Life....A Daily Gift...
From the book, "Laughter For A Woman's Soul" by
several well know 'Women of Faith'
I am delighted today by Barbara Johnsons words about
the Joy of a Wonderful Life...
I quote, "Every day I take joy by refusing to accept the lie that
I have to be miserable about the 'stuff', that trails me
no matter how I try to outwit it.
I CHOOSE to do zany, kooky, and funny things
to make myself and others....laugh!
And I fling JOY- beyond my next-door neighbor's fence,
clear across town, and into the outside world.
Then it curves right back to me.
Sometimes with a whack on the head when I need it.
Sometimes with a th-whack into my heart.
But....it always comes back!
No doubt about it..."
By experience,
I have found this above simple formula....to be true .
While reading in Ecclesiastes
(and the smoke clears from all the drama of life expressed, good and bad)
I find that
I have full permission to ...enjoy the GOOD Life...
Ecclesiastes 11:7-8 in 'The Message Bible' reads...
"Oh, how sweet the light of day.
And how wonderful to live in the sunshine!
Even if you live a long time,
DON'T take a single day for granted.
Take delight in each light-filled hour."
Let's make a choice, even a
New Years' Resolution....
To fill our life with JOY and DELIGHT....
and LAUGHTER...every single day
that we are on planet earth....
Such 'internal happiness' is
Have a 'big dose' of the GOOD Life!
I DARE you!

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