Ending 2006 and looking at the beginning of a New Year forces the mind to deal with....change!
An obvious reminder of this is to change 2006 as we write the year on anything beginning Jan. 1.
Sometimes this simple act can be a difficult 'habit' to break.
New Year's resolutions are traditional....doing things in a different way, working toward new goals or 'shelved dreams', disciplining ourselves in healthful ways, growing internally, or letting go of 'unnecessary' stress....and the list goes on and on....
But change we must.....or so we think.
Changing us.... how we look, who we are, what we do, how we think, how we relate to others, all of this is a continuous 'life-time' process.
Change comes about mostly through experience.
We find what works good or bad for us by doing, living, and involving ourselves in ways of our choosing.....daily!
As a result we come to some moments in time, like the changing of a year, or perhaps a 'wake-up' call in our lives, where we resolve that we must have certain changes 'for our own good'....
I like the Serenity Prayer that says something like this....
"Lord, help me to change what I can change,
help me to accept what I can NOT change,
and give me the wisdom to know the difference!"
Being serene means.....calm and untroubled: without worry, stress, or disturbance ....
Now that is......Serenity!