Dec 7, 2006

Everybody Take Note of our Families Merit Achievement Award....It goes to Jennifer Bible!

I received the following words from her proud parents, Joyce & Blake. We all want to salute you, Jenny-Jen, and tell you how very proud we are of you and all your hard work....We celebrate with and for you...what a blessing you are dear one....

"We, Joyce & Blake, are pleased to announce the graduation of our daughter, Jennifer Bible, from The University of South Florida College of Education with a Masters Degree in Special Education...

Jennifer has completed this very intense 18 month long Masters Degree program with no personal financial aid and very little help except for minimal child care.
She has maintained a full time teaching job,
been head of household and managed to graduate summa cum laude no less!
We are very proud of Jennifer, and also Brittany and Becca who
have supported their Mom totally during this entire long process"
May God continue to bless you dear one, and your little family of Love...

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