Jan 27, 2007

The Curative Powers of LAUGHTER!

Laughter for a Woman's Soul has an article by...Marilyn Meberg....
....Marilyn has done her 'medical research' when she writes.....

"A researcher named Jonathan Leake has discovered how a group of life-enhancing chemicals are triggered by laughter.
These hormones are so powerful, they can energize a person's entire immune system and help it ward off diseases, including the common cold or flu.
Arthur Stone, a professor of psychoneural immunology, has published a paper outlining the most conclusive evidence yet of a link between laughter and blood levels of immunoglobulin A. (This helps people fight illness by marking invading bacteria and viruses for destruction by white blood cells.) Melancholy people had higher levels of cortisones which are associated with stress and can damage people's ability to fight disease. Only now is the role of their uplifting counterparts, the cytokines, beginning to be understood.

God has give us a prescription for joy. All we have to do is fill the prescription...
..Proverbs 17:22...A cheerful heart is good medicine..."

I looked up the word, cytokines, and this is what it says..

Cytokine From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cytokines are a group of proteins and peptides that are used in organisms as signaling compounds. These chemical signals are similar to hormones and neurotransmitters and are used to allow one cell to communicate with another. The cytokine family consists mainly of smaller water-soluble proteins and glycoproteins (proteins with an added sugar chain) with a mass of 8-30 kDa.
While hormones are released from specific organs into the blood and neurotransmitters are released by
nerves, cytokines are released by many types of cells. They are particularly important in both innate and adaptive immune responses. Due to their central place in the function in the immune system, cytokines are involved in a variety of immunological, inflammatory and infectious diseases. However, not all their functions are limited to the immune system, as they are also involved in several developmental processes during embryogenesis.
Cytokines are produced by a wide variety of cell types (both
haemopoietic and non-haemopoietic) and can have effects on both nearby cells or throughout the organism. Sometimes these effects are strongly dependent on the presence of other chemicals and cytokines.

Let me put it like this....recently I had a problem with one of my Digital Picture Programs...
Trying repeatedly to do all manner of repair....talking to four different tech support agents for the program....and repeating again and again the error message...(you know the scene) there was one consistent point in the error that seemed important...kernel32.dll
It seems that this is a windows 'protected' file that is commonly used by other programs to communicate and supplement their program for adding data and pictures etc

Kernel32.dll acts as a ....Cytokine which is used to allow one cell to communicate with another...
A supposed problem with the kernel32.dll could create other problems within the system....
Knowing that within our body the harmony of the cells are vital to our immune system....it stands to reason that anything we can do to sustain this unity in our cells.... would be vital to our well-being and health...
It seems that ....Laughter.....working in conjunction with the cytokine cells....sends signals and communication to other cells to...'relax, don't worry + be happy' enjoy good health and life!'

Rx for today.....Don't take life and yourself so....seriously...
I dare you to look into the mirror and....Laugh

This is our 'Sonia' from Spain...She was an exchange student who stayed with our daughter, Lynn and her family in the late '90's...Sonia....as you can see....is not taking herself 'seriously' even though she has a head full of intellect, a heart of gold, and resources from her family for any career of life.....'laughter' was and is her 'golden nugget' of life....(click on picture to enlarge...you will laugh!)

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