Feb 28, 2007

Feb 27, 2007

True Words....

Reading the Psalms in my 'southern speaking' translations of the Bible is always a 'happy' experience for me....
For instance, Psalm 37:4-5, becomes a joyful expectation of life when it says....
"Be delighted with the Lord. Then He will give you all your heart's desires.
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust Him to help you do it and.....HE WILL!"
Guess what?
It works!

Feb 26, 2007

Tony Dungy Super Bowl Breakfast 2006 Part 2
click below...

For the summary of the above....and his life....

Feb 25, 2007

This is beautiful whether or not you are a football fan.
This one is true..

23 January 2007.. It was with great pride and joy to watch the Colts, led by Head Coach - Tony Dungy, win their trip to the Super Bowl this past Sunday night.
While, not a big football follower, there was good reason and insight to support and cheer with enthusiasm for Tony Dungy's Colt team?
Below is a very touching story about this great man, and the essence of his purpose in life.
It was most amusing to hear Coach Dungy's responses to the TV sports interviewer, when he was asked how great it was to be one of the first "African-American" head coaches to take his team to a Super Bowl?
Head Coach "Tony Dungy" responded immediately with: "Yes that's good, but what is really great and awesome, is how God worked this out for us; it's just amazing how He made this all come together!"
Thus, (as Paul Harvey would say after reading the following) "and now, you know the rest of the story."
Dungy Makes Super Bowl Stop to Speak at Athletes in Action Breakfast DETROIT, Mich. -
They were there for breakfast, and they were there to cheer New York Jets running back Curtis Martin. And it was Martin who received the Athletes in Action Bart Starr Award Saturday morning, but the hundreds who gathered in fourth-floor ballroom at the Marriott Renaissance in Detroit, Mich., on the morning before Super Bowl XL were clearly touched by the featured speaker.

That speaker was Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy.

Two hours into the breakfast, emcee Brent Jones introduced Dungy, who was welcomed with a lengthy standing ovation. Dungy thanked the crowd, shared an anecdote about Martin, then told the crowd he was going to speak for about 15 minutes.

"It's great to be here," Dungy told the crowd, then adding with a laugh, "I just wish I wasn't here in this capacity so many times of being just that close to being in the game and just being an invited speaker.

"My goal is to have our team here one day and have a couple of tables with all of our guys here. Because we have a special group of young men, a great group of Christian guys. It'd be wonderful to have them here so you could see their hearts and what they're all about.
"It hasn't quite happened yet, but we're still hoping one day it will."

He told them he was going to talk about lessons he had learned from his three sons. The crowd fell silent. Then Dungy spoke.

And although this was a breakfast - and although at many such events speakers speak over the clinking of glasses and murmurs from semi-interested listeners - for most of the 15 minutes the room was silent except for Dungy's voice.

He spoke of his middle son, Eric, who he said shares his competitiveness and who is focused on sports "to where it's almost a problem." He spoke of his youngest son, Jordan, who has a rare congenital condition which causes him not to feel pain.
"He feels things, but he doesn't get the sensation of pain," Dungy said. The lessons learned from Jordan, Tony Dungy said, are many.
"That sounds like it's good at the beginning, but I promise you it's not," Dungy said. "We've learned a lot about pain in the last five years we've had Jordan. We've learned some hurts are really necessary for kids. Pain is necessary for kids to find out the difference between what's good and what's harmful."

Jordan, Dungy said, loves cookies.
"Cookies are good," Dungy said, "but in Jordan's mind, if they're good out on the plate, they're even better in the oven. He will go right in the oven when my wife's not looking, reach in, take the rack out, take the pan out, burn his hands and eat the cookies and burn his tongue and never feel it. He doesn't know that's bad for him."
Jordan, Dungy said, "has no fear of anything, so we constantly have to watch him."
The lesson learned, Dungy said, is simple.

"You get the question all the time, 'Why does the Lord allow pain in your life? Why do bad things happen to good people? If God is a God of love, why does he allow these hurtful things to happen?''' Dungy said. "We've learned that a lot of times because of that pain, that little temporary pain, you learn what's harmful. You learn to fear the right things.
"Pain sometimes lets us know we have a condition that needs to be healed. Pain inside sometimes lets us know that spiritually we're not quite right and we need to be healed and that God will send that healing agent right to the spot.
"Sometimes, pain is the only way that will turn us as kids back to the Father."

Finally, he spoke of James.

James Dungy, Tony Dungy's oldest son, died three days before Christmas. As he did while delivering James' eulogy in December, Dungy on Saturday spoke of him eloquently and steadily, speaking of lessons learned and of the positives taken from experience.
"It was tough, and it was very, very painful, but as painful as it was, there were some good things that came out of it," Dungy said.

Dungy spoke at the funeral of regretting not hugging James the last time he saw him, on Thanksgiving of last year. "I met a guy the next day after the funeral," Dungy said. "He said, 'I was there. I heard you talking. I took off work today. I called my son. I told him I was taking him to the movies. We're going to spend some time and go to dinner.' That was a real, real blessing to me."

Dungy said he has gotten many letters since James' death relaying similar messages.
"People heard what I said and said, 'Hey, you brought me a little closer to my son,' or, 'You brought me a little closer to my daughter,''' Dungy said. "That is a tremendous blessing."
Dungy also said some of James' organs were donated through donors programs.

"We got a letter back two weeks ago that two people had received his corneas, and now they can see,'' Dungy said. "That's been a tremendous blessing."

Dungy also said he received a letter from a girl from the family's church in Tampa. She had known James for many years, Dungy said. She went to the funeral because she knew James.
"When I saw what happened at funeral, and your family and the celebration and how it was handled, that was the first time I realized there had to be a God," Dungy said the girl wrote. "I accepted Christ into my life and my life's been different since that day."

Added Dungy, "That was an awesome blessing, so all of those things kind of made me realize what God's love is all about."

Dungy also said he was asked often how he was able to return to the Colts so quickly after James' death. James died on December 22, and Dungy returned to the team one week later. Dungy said the answer was simple.

"People asked me, 'How did you recover so quickly?"'' Dungy said. "I'm not totally recovered. I don't know that I ever will be. It's still very, very painful, but I was able to come back because of something one of my good Christian friends said to me after the funeral.
"He said, 'You know James accepted Christ into his heart, so you know he's in heaven, right?' I said, 'Right, I know that.' He said, 'So, with all you know about heaven, if you had the power to bring him back now, would you?' When I thought about it, I said, 'No, I wouldn't. I would not want him back with what I know about heaven.'

"That's what helped me through the grieving process. Because of Christ's spirit in me, I had that confidence that James is there, at peace with the Lord, and I have the peace of mind in the midst of something that's very, very painful.

"That's my prayer today, that everyone in this room would know the same thing."
Click below:
Tony Dungy Receives 2002 Fatherhood Award
by vinkenobi1977

Feb 24, 2007

Watching the TV drives me crazy!
Anyone that knows me....knows that I do not like TV, never have, and never will....
Yes, there are many 'good things' to view and we can pick and choose but my personal interest lies in......reading. I have always been an avid reader.
For me, words come 'alive' ...they have
color, form, harmony and much depth in how they can flow in any given direction.
I am intrigued by.....words.
I am fascinated by the great power in .....words.
For example, in the last couple of days my husband was watching
the saga of the crazy world of Anna Nichole-Smith...
a few times I walked by and he would explain what was happening or I would watch the courtroom drama from time to time...
.......Lo and behold, in the middle of the night I found myself wide awake and all that was going through my crazy head was the 'stuff' I had seen and heard in vivid pictures that day...it was like instant replay! I could not turn it off! It was an electric magnet....the more I tried to put it aside, pray it aside, will it aside.....the stronger it became!
Finally, in desperation I got my butt out of that bed at 3:00 a.m. and made myself a cup of hot tea, grabbed my Bible and started reading...I read until I had washed the garbage out of my head........Then I had peace....
But it has taught me again.....that my head is not a 'garbage pail'.....
TV, Internet, newspapers, movies, magazines etc.......must be chosen carefully.....
the old adage....garbage in.....garbage out....is seen daily in our young people...
Who and what is influencing us and our younger generation?
Who are our 'role models'?
......The politicians today talk and perform as if they are in a 'three-ring circus'.
What is ....REAL?
.......The bottom line for me is found in my Bible.....the Message Bible edition that says in
James 3:13-16......"It's the way you live, NOT the way you talk, that counts."
As for me, I chose to live a good, clean, fun, God-filled life...and
enjoy that life with family and friends....
to my last breath...so help me, God!
Thanks, Britt & Carla...for your words years ago!

Feb 22, 2007

Did You Know???

Did you know???
Did you know that when you envy someone, it's because you really like that person?Did you know that those who appear to be very strong in heart,are real weak and most susceptible?
Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others
are the ones that really need some one to protect them?

Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are :
I love you, Sorry and help me .
The people who say these are actually in need of them or really feel them,
and are the ones you really need to treasure, because they have said them. And they are real!

Did you know that people who occupy themselves by keeping others company or helping others are the ones that actually need your company and help? Did you know that those who dress in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?
Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two fold s?
Did you know that those who need more of you are those that don't mention it to you?
Did you know that it's easier to say what you feel in writing
than saying it to someone in the face?But did you know that it has more value when you say it to their face?

Did you know that what is most difficult for you to say or do is much more valuable than anything that you can buy with money?

Did you know that if you ask for something in faith, your wishes are granted?
Did you know that you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you'd be surprised by what you could do.
But don't believe everything I tell you, until you try it for yourself ,
if you know someone that is in need of something that I mentioned,
and you know that you can help, try it....
you'll see that it will be returned in two-fold.
We can change the world...or we are already changing it!
If the world were to end in 24 hours, all the phone lines, chat rooms and e-mails will be saturated from people sending messages to others,
saying: "I regret having made you feel bad", "Pardon me", "I love you", "I hold you in high esteem", take good care of yourself"
and "I have always loved you, only I never told you".
Don't wait .....Do it NOW!
I dare you to....change your world...Today!

Feb 20, 2007

Any 'Coincidences' Lately?

Lord, I was intrigued With the brilliant vocabulary
Of the patient sitting next to me In the reception room...
I don’t remember the start of our conversation
But suddenly we were discussing...prayer.
I shared rather freely
Your pertinent answers
To my day-by-day requests.
Labeling himself a skeptic
He smiled and said courteously
“What you consider answered prayers...
I choose to call...coincidence.”
You know how it is with me, Lord....
I’m always slightly ill at ease
In the Big Middle...of a theological discussion.
Frankly, I was relieved
When the dentist called my name...
But one thing I do know, Lord
When I pray, “Coincidences” happen.
When I don’t pray.... they stop....
So thank You again and again
For ten thousand “coincidences’
Always in the nick of time....

Leap for Joy!

It is time to celebrate.......LIFE!
I am not just talking about....smell the roses of life enjoyment.
What I propose is actually a ...'Be Happy' kind of Celebration!
Letting your heart soar, your mind electrify with exciting possibilities
and allow yourself the freedom of feeling...
actually feeling with a deep emotion, power, and passion......
the fullness of invigorating......LIFE.
It is a.....choice....a decision!
I have caught myself many times with the thought...
’I don’t feel like such and such....”and I did not.
But ‘feelings’ are transitory....
and can be overcome by firm decisions of the mind.
I know.
Yesterday I didn't 'feel like' doing a 'tiresome' job
that was a real 'chore' for me...
But I did it and last night when I went to sleep....
the sense of relief and satisfaction
at the completion of this 2-year project was.....powerful!
I celebrated 'making peace with myself'!
In order to Celebrate Life daily....I sometimes have to overcome my feelings
and my circumstances which demands that I ‘be miserable’.
Lord knows that I do have ’things’ to make me ’feel miserable’....
But I have a choice.
I chose to Celebrate Life and.....
Be Happy for all the many blessings that I have in my family
and as an American in The Land of Plenty.
I deliberately choose....The Good Life!
My favorite 'Leap for Joy' Photo tells it all...

Feb 19, 2007

Happy Birthday, Bonnie!

Ssh! Don't Tell Anyone!
Bonnie is not....21
Today is her day
To hear her family say,
"Bonnie, my dear,
We shed 'nary' a tear
The baby of five
Is very much alive
...more gracious each day
So a tribute we pay
To this sister so fine
Who is loving and kind
We celebrate, hoot and holler
For our sister, Bonnie,
....is a 'hard act' to foller...
So, Happy Birthday, dear one
Now....go out and have some..FUN"

Feb 17, 2007

Laughter IS Good Medicine!

Laughter IS Medicine!
Come laugh with me I say to you...
CHANGE that look from sad and blue...
Indeed you MUST...
For in my words you sure can trust....
That Laughter chases the blues away...
And releases your soul to come out and play....
To play and explore your special “Light Side”....
Where no pill nor drug can turn the tide.....
Because to laugh is to release yourself,
Completely to LIFE and fullness of HEALTH.....
John 16:24...LB.....Jesus said, “Ask, using My name,
and you WILL receive, and YOUR CUP OF JOY WILL OVERFLOW”......
Feb 28, 2003

Feb 16, 2007

Subtle Changes

Subtle Changes

Years ago I remember my Mother telling about the first time
she saw an airplane as a child.
She said she heard the sound and thought the world was ending.
Over her life span, 1911 to 1995, she saw many, many changes.
When Mom was 80 years old we had a special day and invited all her friends to dress in a ’ridiculous’ way at what we called a ’tacky party’. The women came dressed from Victorian with antique rhinestones as Lexie did, to being totally ridiculous.
One thing we did, was to play a silly game I called “I Remember”.
It was very enlightening to me and I was intrigued by the many changes this generation of women had lived through.
Mom really cracked me up when her time came as she said,
“I remember when women wore clothes and men told the truth:)”
These women had to change progressively with the upheavals of their day in order to live in their......changing world.
Yet I saw in this group one common thread of success.
They were very independent and strong minded ‘pioneer’ type women who knew nothing about the “Women’s Lib” agenda for they in their minds and lives had always been...
...equal to anyone on earth.
Perhaps their ‘times’ were slow in the recognization of their value and worth but that did not deter them from accomplishing anything their hearts desired.
Just to listen to their delightful conversations convinced me that life had been and still was a challenge to them.....and that each of them had whatever it took to successfully meet that challenge.
I have the video that I made that day.....talking about progress....that reminds me of the need for changes.....subtle changes....in myself....in order to know fully what these women already knew......
.....that all men....and women....are created equal....and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights...that being.....
....Life....Liberty...and the Pursuit of Happiness......
Mrs. Veal, Mrs. Sullivan, Lexie, Mrs. Taylor, Thelma, Lucille....Mom, Mrs. Makinson, Aunt Hattie, Aunt Callie, Aunt Ethel and many others like them in their generation .....
ARE MY HEROES of The Good Life!
***The reason history keeps repeating itself is
because we were not paying attention the first time....
Posted by Faith at 8:11 AM Nov 20, 2002

Feb 15, 2007

Dear Readers;
You will please forgive me if I regress....
For the next few days I will do postings from a little notebook of poems and musings of insights that I wrote a few years ago.
These are all my own words...so do not expect perfection in prose or thought....
I am just as human as the next person and mistakes flow freely from my life and pen...
If I add a quote by others...I will always give the source to the best of my knowledge. Otherwise....what you read is original with me.....
Look closely for you will see that sometimes even the nonsense....can make....sense.

Time leaps forward It does NOT stand still
I am not yesterday Nor yet am I tomorrow
I am only.....today
What I need to learn from the past that is good...
I take with me into today’s experience....
Today I can CHANGE or rearrange.... M E.....
The moment of change.....is NOW.
Posted by Faith
Feb 24, 2003
"Tell Us....Tomorrow "
Two wise men, walking down the road of Time,
saw Tomorrow approaching dimly in the distance.
They shouted, ...”Tell us, Tomorrow, what are you like?
Shall we fear you.....or feast you?”
.....And Tomorrow answered, in tones that sounded clearly through the midst. ....
”Come to me neither with anxiety nor with procrastination,
but with faith and hope and with.....
Today’s work well-done... .....
You can not know ahead what I am like,
but when you reach me,
you shall see me through the eyes of.....
what and who ...
.......YOU are...NOW.”

Feb 14, 2007

Happy & Blessed Valentine's Day of Love!

Excerpts from: Daily Word L o v e...It doesn't take much to show someone we care. A candy heart or an act of kindness can bring a hint of sweetness to someone's day. It's a blessing to both give and receive when they are done with ....love.

All of us desire to love and be loved on a deeper level too - one that brings fulfillment and joy in our relationships. Reaching this depth takes patience and courage. In any relationship, the truest love is unconditional...This is the kind of love that Jesus modeled....and this is the kind of love that God, Himself, extends to every one of us.....every day. Today we make a commitment to recognize real love....God's love.....for us...This is love that won't dissolve away like a sugary treat; this is love that will last....forever....

Happy and Blessed Valentine's Day of.....L O V E

Feb 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Melissa Jo

"Our 'lil turkey' had fun while celebrating his Mom's Birthday with all the family...

Feb 8, 2007

Happy Birthday, Melissa Jo....
We love and appreciate YOU!
Will celebrate with you on Saturday..
Have a 'blessed' day...

Feb 6, 2007

Congratulations to....Seisha & Richard Graham on their recent wedding...

God Bless You, dear ones!

Feb 5, 2007

Congratulations go out to our cousin, Ray D. Fortner of Pensacola...
Sunday Ray, (above) appeared at a book signing....of his latest book, Smoky Mountain Roots...
Ray was at the Page and Palette Book Store in Fairhope, Alabama.
Ray said, "We had a good time and met some interesting folks.
These folks were from North Carolina and bought 2 books. "
Ray's web site is....http://fortnerpublishingco.blogspot.com/
Betty(below) is Ray's biggest fan...and critic...
Together they are a.....package deal!

Way to go, El Splendido!

Feb 3, 2007

Tornado in Florida

It has happened again!
The weather disaster that hit Florida yesterday seems all too 'familiar'....
This one, a huge and deadly tornado with something called 'supercells' came with 'little warning' leaving a path of death and devastation behind..
Watching the heroics of neighbor to neighbor on the TV screen presented a deja' vu Florida scene.
Charlie and I immediately got on the phone to relatives and friends that was in the areas nearby. Most responded with...'we are o.k. but here we go again'....
One account in our newspaper was the most beautiful message of love in the midst of disaster.....In Paisley there is this account....
"When the worst of it arrived, when it seemed they had run out of tomorrows, Vern and Louedna Heber huddled together in the hallway.
In the predawn darkness, with pillows over their heads, the 81-year-old woman turned to her 87-year-old husband.
"Thank you for such a good life, " she told him. "I'm lucky to have spent it with you"...
Happy Valentine's Day of Love to......Vern and Louedna.....

Feb 2, 2007

Having a LAUGH Attitude!

There are people in my life that have a God given....laugh attitude.
It is more than having a 'pleasant personality'.....or an 'innate' ability to laugh!
Actually.....it is a God given 'gift' as far as I am concerned...
One of my favorite 'laugh sisters' is the speaker and writer, Marilyn Meberg...
Marilyn says, "I'm often asked to give pointers on how to develop a laugh lifestyle.
Actually that is a difficult question because a laugh lifestyle is so much more than joke books, funny tapes, or just being humorous.
The development of a laugh attitude begins internally with a foundation that is God-inspired and God-constructed. When we become personally acquainted with the Author and Giver of joy and laughter, we are set free from.....ourselves!"
.......Being free of me.....allows me to be filled with joy and LAUGHTER!

"The cheerful heart has a continual feast." Proverbs 15:15
Another version says..."A miserable heart means a miserable life;
a cheerful heart fills the day with song."