Feb 2, 2007

Having a LAUGH Attitude!

There are people in my life that have a God given....laugh attitude.
It is more than having a 'pleasant personality'.....or an 'innate' ability to laugh!
Actually.....it is a God given 'gift' as far as I am concerned...
One of my favorite 'laugh sisters' is the speaker and writer, Marilyn Meberg...
Marilyn says, "I'm often asked to give pointers on how to develop a laugh lifestyle.
Actually that is a difficult question because a laugh lifestyle is so much more than joke books, funny tapes, or just being humorous.
The development of a laugh attitude begins internally with a foundation that is God-inspired and God-constructed. When we become personally acquainted with the Author and Giver of joy and laughter, we are set free from.....ourselves!"
.......Being free of me.....allows me to be filled with joy and LAUGHTER!

"The cheerful heart has a continual feast." Proverbs 15:15
Another version says..."A miserable heart means a miserable life;
a cheerful heart fills the day with song."

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