Jun 30, 2007

Don't Worry + Be Happy!

Below is an article on "Happy" written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale....

I am in total agreement with his words....
..."What kind of people are happy people?In reply to this question, some would say that the mood of 'unhappiness' today is very high. A distinguished writer declared in a magazine article that unhappiness is the commonest thing there is..
And T.S. Eliot, the famous British poet and literary critic, once asked plaintively, "Where is the life...we have lost...in living?"
A great many writers, perhaps because they themselves have lost the secret of happiness, dwell on the prevalence of.....unhappiness.
But I believe there are untold numbers of people who have discovered a precious secret, the secret of how to have happiness in DEPTH.
And, as a matter of fact, unless there is DEPTH in happiness, it isn't genuine.
It is of little value.
Apparently many people are discovering this.
They are finding out how to live in this confused and bewildering world, while at the same time having peace within their hearts and a deep happiness within their natures..daily."
"A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones........Proverbs 17:22

Jun 24, 2007

What happened to Uncle Chad's car?

Who did this?

Happy Birthday Uncle Chad....This is your Special Day!

Dylan & Mom, Britt....are ready to P A R T Y!

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Chad's "Jimmy Buffett" Birthday Party

Key West 'party girls' arrive

Mattie C. arrives on the Banana Wind...

Dylan and Neena arrive by water....

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Chad and Crazy Family Celebrating

Melissa 'the gangster'

Chad with his 'special' party girls

Hot Island Girls...Ash & Melissa Jo

Melissa Jo & Family Sweetheart, Gracie

....Go to Gracie's Blog to see other pic...

Joshua trying to hit birthday boy with plastic balls

Enjoying The Good Life With my family!

Britt & MJ...are they 'twins'?
Lil Chuck/Turkey loves swimming
The Children, of all ages, had a ball celebrating with Uncle Chad....
he picks on them all the time.... this was a great chance to 'get even'....
and they did....
All of the family wants to say to you, Chad and We Love YOU!

Jun 22, 2007

Inner B L I S S!

The Bible has a simple formula for 'peace of mind' and.....
inner bliss.
It can be found in Philippians 4.... from the Living Bible translation which kinda reads in plain English, Southern style......
"Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.
Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about.
Don't worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything;
tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for his answers....
If you do this you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.
His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.
......ALWAYS be FULL of JOY in the Lord;

I say it again, REJOICE and BE GLAD!"

Jun 21, 2007

Create Your own....H A P P I N E S S.....

Saw an article that caught my eye.... reminiscent of Dale Carnegie or Dr. Norman Vincent Peale..... In any event, based on my personal experiences, there are a few pointers worth enumerating.... First of all, no one can expect to be happy ALL THE TIME.
Yes, there are some people who seem to radiate happiness MORE THAN OTHERS....
But you see....it is not that happy people are completely unaware of life’s down....
It is just that they have learned how to balance the bad with the good....
They seem to be able to cope better with anxiety and distress.
Unhappy people seem to approach life with a different mind set.
They often place the blame for their unhappiness on something or someone other than themselves. They have a tendency to become cynical and seem to have problems trusting others.
Real happiness has nothing to do with money or material things, but has more to do with how a person.... nurtures the mind.
Bringing happiness into your life starts by investigating some of the negative habits you have been harboring.
Once we create the habits.....the habits then....create us!
Some practical strategies are:
1...Take charge of your feelings. Assume responsibility for your actions and feelings.
Do not waste time feeling like you are a victim; use that energy to take charge and focus on ways to solve your problems.
There are options of life that you may not have considered...with a victim mindset.
2...Learn to deal with negative emotions...
Anger and anxiety is the No.1 enemies of happiness.
When they occur....and they will, do not deny the feelings.... acknowledge them....then step back and give yourself time-out to analyze, forgive, or dispose of the unnecessary elements involved. This will help you regain control of most situations;
Patience and tolerance are options to negative mind sets...
3...Energize your life.....
Research shows that when people lack energy, they worry excessively making minor problems seem....insurmountable...In Southern lingo....they make mountains out of mole hills:)
In contrast, high energy creates upbeat, positive moods...
Exercise is a way to make you feel better because it reduces tension and increases your energy level....If you put a little energy into motion; you will receive double energy in return.
4...Give out a little sunshine....
Acts of personal kindness....paying a compliment....sharing a conversation....or just taking time to listen might make someone’s day a little brighter.
5...Put on a friendly face:)
......Smiling, even when you don’t feel like it, WILL make you feel better.....Positive actions produce positive emotions.
6...Think gratitude...
Count your blessings.
Make a list of all the things you have to be thankful for: family, friends, home, faith, etc.
Then write a gratitude list, which includes everything that happened that day....for which you can be grateful!
7...CHOOSE to be an optimist...
Attitude is everything.
How you react to situations is your choice.
Optimists have a sense of control.
They believe that good things will last ....a long time.....and they label bad things as.....temporary events! Psychologist says that pessimist suffer from what is called.... ....”learned helplessness”....always expecting the worse.
Stop and confront habits that criticize, complain or find fault.....everywhere!
8...Find a creative outlet....some call it ’hobby’....something that you totally enjoy doing and allows you to be......YOU!
This will give a reprieve from the daily responsibilities of life.....it helps to relive the stresses of daily living.
9....Be very....realistic....in your expectations....
Many people truly believe they can alter their unhappy feelings through the love of another person. It is totally unrealistic to EXPECT others to be RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HAPPINESS....
Yes, you can receive support and encouragement from loved ones, but....
10.....Take time to develop personal faith.....
this is the solid rock upon which all....physical, mental, emotional and spiritual......is founded. It is in this that a person becomes Whole and Complete.....and....Healthy, Wealthy and Wise....
11......Happiness happens as a result of being happy....to be YOU!
12.......Happiness is a magnet.....surround yourself with ...happy, care free, healthy minded....faith filled.....good-clean-fun....people........
What or who you emulate.....you become.....
Show me your friends and I will tell you who YOU ARE! .......
Bottom line....Don’t Worry+Be Happy!
It is a.....Choice!
Choose Wisely:)

Jun 20, 2007

Bring It On!

Yesterday I wrote about the words and actions of....emotions.
Today, arising early, using my Bible for this days inspiration it takes me to the 45th Psalm.....
one reason that I love the Psalms is because they are so.....emotional!
They are the writings, mostly by David (remember Goliath) and from David's heart he expresses himself to God in honesty....David was a very emotional man....and God calls him "a man after My own heart"....
Sorry, I regressed!
Anyway, the beginning of Psalm 45 starts like this....
"My heart is overflowing with a beautiful thought!
I will write a lovely poem to the King,
for I am as full of words as the speediest writer
pouring out his story...."
......Reading the Psalms makes my heart feel that way....bursting with emotion that causes me to write and write and write.....words of gladness, happiness, joy and love....
There is enough of the opposite being written and expressed in today's newspapers, magazines, books etc.
Happy should be written about too....beauty should be expressed eloquently....joy should be released in words, songs, and art....
.....the Psalms goes on to say.....
"You love what is good
And hate what is wrong.
Therefore God, your God,
Has given you more gladness
Than anyone else....."
These are David's words.....and now I have made them mine!
For that is what my heart speaks when I say in truthfulness....
"It IS a GOOD Life!" .....so....bring....it....on!

Jun 19, 2007

Joy, Beauty, and Tears

Emotions have a way of finding a prominent place in our lives....with or without our permission...
Discipline and 'self-control' can keep them under our command generally.....until.....we get in a crisis...then very often...reflex sets in....
The inside 'depositary' bank of our emotional life....bursts forth like a gusher from a well ....
a lifetime of deposits to this inner vault can be seen in a single moment in time....
Anger, pain, suffering, negative thinking, as well as beauty, love, joy, happiness and laughter.
....Do you know the cliche..."You can travel the world looking for beauty....but unless you take it with you...you will never find it."
The inner heart must contain a 'beauty' mirror in order to see it reflected in the outside world.
Losing someone dear to our heart and lives causes an emotion that in its intensity defies words.
Tears are important, and so often they're the only thing we can say about a situation...and are the most...eloquent.
Joy.....today's word in my devotion....can burst forth from observing the laugh of a child, the fresh air after a rain, the hug from a loved one, a book of inspiration and on and on...
The people and circumstances that seem to create my joy are, in reality, reflecting what I already have in the deepest part of me...what has been 'deposited' beforehand...
I am grateful for the joy of God daily....that feeds my soul and deposits itself within my being...
Yes, the 'Joy of the Lord' is my strength...

Jun 18, 2007

Don't waste today regretting yesterday
of making a memory for tomorrow.

Jun 17, 2007

Jun 14, 2007

Eden's Passion 'Special Delivery'


Yesterday was a fun excursion.....Lynn & Chad's, Eden's Passion, donated water to an annual event called 'Blessing of the Harvest' ....
There was a pick-up issue for Hospice and Lynn said,
"No problem, we will bring it to you."
She and I drove to Tavares with our cargo, met Sandy in the picture above and then took ourselves off to lunch at their nearby "Mission Inn Golf and Country Club"...
After returning home I was reminded of my last week's writing about
the little boy with the 'sea shell' gift.
Yes, long drive 'part of gift'.....
Below is a small clip from the Orlando Sentinel about the festival...
Sounds like a 'meaningful fun' event...
Harvest Festival
Get ready for some grape stomping, wine tasting, arts and crafts, wine tours, music and food at the Lakeridge Winery and Vineyards' 16th annual Harvest Festival this weekend.
The event is in conjunction with the Hospice Foundation of Lake & Sumter Counties.
Festival hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at the winery, 19239 U.S. Highway 27 between Leesburg and Clermont.
Blessing of the Harvest is planned for 1:30 p.m. each day.
Food, wine and other beverages will be available for purchase.
Again this year, the Hospice Foundation of Lake and Sumter Counties will benefit from the $2-per-person charge at the gate. Parking is free.

The Great Escape!

Ah, Ha.....The phones have been silent all week and it just 'dawned' on me..I haven't heard from Vinnie or Gracie....and lo and behold, I find that they have been in the Bahamas since.....Friday! Go to Gracie's blog and see....the great escape they did....Sneaky, sneaky.....being carefree, happy, spontaneous and craZy.....is not allowed...without taking the entire clan with you....will make you pay at....Grand Cypress...


Jun 12, 2007

The Sky Is NO Limit!

Son , Chad & I on our wonderful skydiving expedition....

Smile Therapy

There are some people in my life who actually....make me smile just by looking at them!
I'm not talking about their 'physical' appearance....just the aura surrounding them....
The Latin term for 'aura' even translates as.....gentle breeze!
Laughing and smiling in the presence of someone who emits 'happy' is a gentle breeze of refreshment and is truly wonderful therapy for the soul...
Look today and see if you can be....or see someone who makes you smile!

Jun 11, 2007

There's A Right Time for....Everything!

Reading the Bible gives me all kinds of inspiration, encouragement, strength and spiritual insight which leads to Divine guidance and wisdom...
One book of the Bible has always been 'mysterious' to me .......
In the 3rd chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes (the Message Bible) the theme is...

.....There Is A Right Time for Everything!

A right time for birth and another for death,
A right time to plant and another to reap,
A right time to kill and another to heal,
A right time to destroy and another to construct,
A right time to cry and another to laugh,
A right time to grieve and another to cheer,
A right time to hug and another to abstain,
A right time to search and another to cut your losses,
A right time to hold on and another to let go,
A right time to tear another to repair,
A right time to shut up and another to speak up,
A right time to love and another to hate,
A right time to wage war and another to make peace.

There is a right time for everything under the sun....it takes great wisdom, courage, insight, and faith to know when there should be a 'change' in the 'times' of our lives...
Staying close to God, in prayer, is one way to be 'in the know' for the changes needed daily....
........Knowing when to speak....and when to 'keep silent'.......certainly takes an 'act of God' in my life....
What is the 'time' in your life today?
Is there a 'change' in some area that is being required in which you are resisting?
....Been there ....done that!
Trust in yourself and God....together.... to work out the timing for the 'rightness' of NOW!
Change is good.....even though it can be painful at the moment....
I am speaking from experience, of course.
The 'right time' is N O W!

Jun 8, 2007

What Happens...When Things Go Wrong?

When I say….”It’s A Good Life!”…some think I live in LaLa Land and have my head buried in the sand….
Would be nice - but it just isn’t true….
There are times….and this week is one of those ‘times’…..when it seems that everything is going wrong ……all at once….
I have more fires to put out than I can manage….but you see I am not alone….
I have a SWAT team that goes into action with me when the storms of life arise….These fantastic people live their lives day by day but one of the secret weapons they possess is……they stay ‘prayed up’….

they stay in tune with their/our NOW God…..

and at a moments notice we all requisition heavens resources
for planet earth’s battles of life….
These people are members of my family…..members of my prayer group and various friends throughout the world who are a viable part of this network…
We are your average every day family and citizens…
yet we live, daily, with the armor described in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Read it for yourself and then you will see what a SWAT Team member does…..when things go wrong….and when things go right….
This formula ….over and over…..is what makes it….A Good Life!
Celebrate Life in all its fullness…..

Jun 7, 2007


I have found this word, contrarian, thru one of the books that I am now reading….This book, Lila, An Inquiry into Morals, written by Robert M. Pirsig, is the story of a philosopher-narrator, Phaedrus, who lives aboard his sailboat and writes books about the different people he meets and their philosophy of life…and his response to them.
Along the way he picks up a most unlikely-traveling companion, a woman named Lila who in her desperate hostility and struggle with an ’oncoming madness’ threatens to disrupt his life.
He describes Lila as…”what you would call a “contrarian”.
Phaedrus goes on to say that a contrarian is someone who’s always doing everything the wrong way, just out of pure willfulness, it would seem.
They savagely attack every kind of moral pattern they can find….as though they’re trying to destroy morality as a kind of revenge.
He explained that there is more to contrarians than just their individual moral ‘wrongness’.
It seems to be common to many cultures.
The Cheyenne Indian Tribe had a whole society of contrarians to assimilate this strange phenomenon within their social fabric.
Cheyenne contrarians rode their horses sitting backward, entered teepees backward, and had a whole list of things they performed in a ‘contrary way’…..

In the Cheyenne tribe, members seemed to enter the contrary society when they felt a great wrong, a great injustice, had been done to them and it was felt that this was a way of expressing that injustice.
Brujo in Zuni was a contrarian.
The “Bohemians” of the Victorian era were contrarians.
So, to some extent, were the Hippies of the sixties.
Looking up the English word, contrary, in my dictionary, it says:
…CONTRARY…opposed in nature, order, direction: altogether different, inclined to oppose or disagree stubbornly; or
A habitual disinclination to accept orders, advice, etc….unreasonable obstinacy in deviating from what is considered right or acceptable; persons who are impatient under restraint or discipline and hence are hard to control or keep in order;
Do you know anyone who fits this description?
Do we see even perhaps….a tad…..of this contrarian nature in ourselves from time to time?
It is more clearly seen in others….stands out more in others….and is repulsive when we see it in our family, friends or work place….and ….of all things….OUR CHURCH!
What about our own selves….
I am not speaking of a ‘rebel’…..but a ‘contrary’ personality trait which expresses itself, obstinately and stubbornly as being diabolically different…..from the ’accepted norm’….AT ANY COST!
Think the Cheyenne Indians had the right idea…..
Publicly declare…”Beware…..I am a contrarian”….
Wonder if a contrarian knows how to ENJOY…The Good Life!

Jun 6, 2007

How Is Your Hearing?

An Indian walking along with his friend in New York City suddenly
said, “I hear a cricket.”
“You’re crazy,” his friend replied.
“No, I hear a cricket....I’m sure of it.”
“It’s 12:00 noon. There are hundreds of people hurrying around, cars honking, taxis squealing!”
“I’m sure I hear a cricket.”
He listened, walked to the corner, crossed the street, and began digging beneath the shrubs in a large planter until he found the cricket....
The Indian said to his amazed friend, “My ears are no different from yours.
It simply depends on what you are listening to.
Here, let me show you what I mean.”
He reached into his pocket, pulled out a handful of change, and dropped it on the concrete.
Every head nearby turned.....
“See what I mean?” the Indian said as he began picking up his coins.
“It depends on what you are listening for.”

......Jesus said it best....”My sheep listen to My voice:
....I know them.....and they know Me...and
.....they follow Me.” John 10:27

Jun 5, 2007

Thought for the Day

Recently I was reminded, very rudely, that I was not writing enough lately...
that I have 'more pictures' than words....
Could be 'they' were right....just possibly....not saying for sure but it is possible there is a 'grain of truth' there!
In any event I have a point to make....that involves pictures and words...
On Matt's birthday I gave him the gift of a 'family photo show' which took about 30 hours of preparation, scanning, music, work etc. The finished product was a 10 min. DVD celebration. Ashley's Mom, Hope, made the comment "You just have too much time on your hands, Faith, that just takes too much time!"
I had to laugh because she is so right....not the part about 'time on hands' but when I put a $ sign on the work....say (low estimate)roughly $20. per hour graphic design etc., the time involved amounted to around $600.00 of labor involved in that simple 10 min. gift....
Why would anyone in their right mind give such valuable time away?
.......Let me give you a little story that illustrates this.....
A few years ago a missionary friend spent 12 years on an island in the Pacific teaching, living and loving the people around her...
As she prepared to leave and return to the states for good, the people presented her with homemade gifts of appreciation....one of the last gifts she received was from a small 8 yr. old boy who quietly gave her a sea shell....
Much to their astonishment she gasped in surprise saying....'Oh my goodness, this is one of the unique shells from the very end of the island....it would have taken you two days to walk there and back for this shell...."
The little boy looked lovingly into her face and said, " Long walk...part of gift."

Now I ask you....how many 'sea shell' gifts do you have in your home?
How many family and friends spend their entire lives giving 'sea shell' gifts?
Home made quilts and pictures from Granny Baxter.....Nena/Lynn time 'given' for family , church prayer phone line , alter work, Aunt Shyrl love and care etc.,
Pops as family consultant for all things from cars, houses, Grand Cypress planning and implementing for 25 years. etc., home cooked meals by various family members, hours spent on children's church bus and every thing needed in community by Chuck, Terry and family, serving our country in the military....... Cindy donating her personal and professional gifts to everyone from migrant workers to people in her life who are in need of comfort and love their last days on earth, Chad using his technical and creative gifts in family projects to include Eden's Passion....these are just a few examples and the list goes on and on...
Thank you all.....for the gifts that are ...priceless....that money can not buy...that are sometimes known only.....to the heart of God!

Jun 1, 2007

What is your age?

As you get older,

remember that each day contains
exactly the same number of hours, minutes and seconds
as the days did when you were twenty.
You still have the same opportunities
to make each of those hours, minutes and seconds count.