Jul 25, 2007

Let's Laugh Now!

Having a phone conversation with a relative yesterday put me 'up to date' on the family news...
Some of it was 'prayer anxious' news which we prayed about together then she said, "O.K. now that we have peace about that.....tell me what is making you laugh 'now-a-day!'
That made me laugh!
Sometimes I actually have to 'seek out' the humor in situations or the day.
Other times the laughter is spontaneous and can not be contained and becomes.....contagious. Depending upon the person or persons I'm with, humor can be true, genuine and free flowing or it can be 'unnatural' so-to-speak .
A persons attitude of life has a lot to do with the enjoyment of laughter, fun and sometimes 'plain ole foolishness'....and truth be known.....there are simply some 'ole' grouches (young and old) who refuse to lighten up and not take themselves so seriously!
Our recent week-end with our scalloping group in Steinhatchee was such a time of refreshment because there was a light hearted, teasing, cutting-up kind of banter between all of us...
This kind of 'fun retreat' refreshes the soul.
Laughter is good medicine.....have you taken yours today?

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