Dec 21, 2007

Joshua, my 'enthusiastic' teacher .....again!

Joshua with his 'Gator' tattoo from Neena....
When an individual really is enthusiastic, you can see it in the flash of their eyes, in their alert and vibrant personality.
You can see it in the spring of their step. You can see it in the verve of their whole being..

Enthusiasm makes the difference in our attitude toward other people, toward the world.
It makes a great big difference in the zest and delight of human existence.
Do you have enthusiasm today?
Or have you grown......dull?
Has the Z E S T gone out of you?.
Enthusiasm lifts living out of the depths and makes it.....mean something!
Rx for getting your enthusiastic attitude back....
.....Watch a child at Christmas, talk to a young child on the phone, listen to a conversation between a child and its mother while waiting in a line to see Santa....
Just now at this moment in time our 6yr. old Joshua called me on the phone while his Mom is traveling to work before dropping him off at school....
The conversation went something like this, 'Hey, MaMa, do you know what a shooting star is?'
"Yes, Joshua and isn't it beautiful!"......"But, MaMa, a falling star 'actually' (his favorite word) has nothing to do with a star!"
"Joshua, what is it then?"
"MaMa, it is really a meteor and it is filled with dust and rocks and things like that
but it burns out before it falls to the earth and it leaves trails of light which just
look like a star to us...Isn't that great, MaMa?"
'Uh, yea, Joshua dear, now YOU are the teacher.....your enthusiasm is....contagious...
Gimmme some of that!'
Joshua is.....our STAR student ...and teacher....this Christmas...or he is for me anyway....who is your 'child teacher'?

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