Be Blessed!
Yesterday meeting with my prayer girls, Abby and Nancy, at a local restaurant was a real treat...Usually we meet at each other's house and have our prayer time and then go to lunch.
Yesterday we had to combine both...Abby is busy 'renovating' their condo, Nancy is off to seeing her husband in Virginia before he leaves for Kuwait plus helping her child who is a 'single Mom' and I, too, have a lot of 'irons in the fire'......Southern talk, don't you know?
At any rate, our 'chapel' became the local restaurant....the owner, whom Abby knew, came out and she gave us her prayer request for her health....Patty was a beautiful Christian lady and we briefly talked and 'praised God' for His miracles....
Today I ask myself, why does an actual building have to be perceived as to .....'contain God'?
Yes, the beauty of a 'House of Worship'....a unique chapel in the woods, a trip to the 'Wailing Wall' in Jerusalem are all beneficial to our spiritual heart....and I have experienced these....but the real place of worship lies in our own heart!
As we meet with others who are 'like minded' the hearts unite to form and invisible sanctuary that is.....HOLY!
Love is given and received between the hearts that are united with God whose presence is obvious within....
This was our experience yesterday and we came away refreshed, ready to face the world again with a full heart of JOY....
And indeed, we did discuss things that were not spiritual in the getting a new 'Dooney & Bourke' purse for Nancy whose 3 yr. old one was 'too small'...and her husband saying 'Yes' yet when she got to the register to pay she says, 'No way can I pay this!" and puts it back....we tell her she is a 'fool' and laugh hilariously!
Our human flaws, our 'seemingly silly' ways of being together as prayer girls have been a 15 year odyssey of life....we have seen life changes in our family and friends, we have seen miracles galore, we have walked through births, deaths, marriages, divorces, jobs given and taken, houses bought and sold, wayward children going and coming, and the list goes on and on....
Each of us go to different churches on Sunday morning......yet our life-long commitment to God and Family weave us together in a way that is....unexplainable!
God placed us together as a team....a SWAT team so to stand in the gap, as needed, and work with Him 'for good' wherever we are each day...
Mission building involved here.....just 'building lives' day by Faith!
Anthony Chapel in Hot Springs, Arkansas...
Psalm 9:1-2 Message Bible...."I'm thanking You, God, from a full heart.
I'm writing the book on Your wonders.
I'm whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy;
I'm singing Your song, O my God!" My prayer for .....YOU!
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