Mar 14, 2008

Let's Get It On!

Have you ever heard anyone say, "Hey, I've got a good idea!"?
Or as my brother, Dockie, says often upon arising early in the morn,
"You know, I've been thinking!"
Then you know that trouble or a 'great adventure' is in the offing...
Today's 'good word' for me makes this kind of 'light bulb idea' an
exciting possibility....
New Adventures
I move forward with enthusiasm for my next adventure.
Now is the time—time for the good and the new—
for acting on ideas that have inspired me.
As a child of God, I am guided in ways that lead me to share
more good with more people.
I release any unproductive or stagnant patterns from my past
and embrace the innovative.
My new adventures take many forms,
and this may bring a time of change to my lifestyle.
I may have opportunities for a new career, to relocate, or to travel.
This very day, I discover expanded ways to serve God.
With each adventure, I experience greater freedom of expression.
Valuing opportunities to share,
I give the very best I have to give and I receive with gratitude.
I welcome new adventures, the freedom they bring me,
and the good they bring into my life
and into the lives of others.

“Whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all.”
—Galatians 6:10

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