Mar 26, 2008

Lynn, Britt & Cindy... Blonde's have more fun...finally!

Above is blonde women in our family.....
not dumb blonde's for sure....
just ask anyone who knows or works with them...
Of course, they/we do 'dumb things' from time to time......

mostly it gets laughed about...and talked about
with this preface of confession, "Let me tell you about
a dumb thing I did the other day..."
Sharing a day with Lynn and Cindy yesterday was very
rare. We ate India food, visited Thrift Shops, saw Britt at
her work,
prayed over the latest batch of Eden's Passion water
and caught up with family news...
Oh, yea, we shared bags of clothes with each other and
Britt got a new 'bra' in the parking lot!
Yep, we needed that!
Mother & Daughter...which is which?
One has a daughter the other has only sons...
Way to go girls!

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