Jan 14, 2009

Drs. Rx for Health and Happiness

Drs. Kay Judge and Maxine Barish-Wreden wrote an article in the McClatchy-Tribune Newspapers called......

Be Thankful!
Studies show having gratitude can improve your well-being in many ways.
The practice of gratitude may increase the levels of immunoglobulin A in your throat and nose, increasing your ability to resist viral infections.
Gratitude practices seem to reduce stress hormone levels in the body.
People who cultivate gratitude, optimism and happiness live longer than grumpy pessimists.
Research has shown that only about 50% of our mood is determined by our genetics.
The rest is largely determined by what we choose to focus on and cultivate.
This focus takes commitment and practice.
Focusing on the good things that others have done for you is a top priority.
This makes us realize how inter-dependent we are and makes us realize that...
Be glad you are loved!
Be thankful for your health!
Be happy you are YOU!
Be thankful for small things...the smile of a child, the door opened for you by a stranger, the sun shining in your window, the smell of coffee brewing in the morning, flowers that delight the eyes, and on and on....
Be grateful to be alive....

Ecclesiastes 11: 7 ..."It is a wonderful thing to be alive!
If a person lives to be very old, let him rejoice in EVERY day of life yet knowing that Eternity is far longer...."

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