Turning Points
There are many situations in life when decisions need to be made.
Every decision we make, marks a turning point in our lives.
It is something that cannot be avoided.
To some, it marks a change, while to some it marks maturity.
Everyone faces different turning points at different times and that turn can be the biggest move you or I have ever made.
Everyone faces different turning points at different times and that turn can be the biggest move you or I have ever made.
Looking back they are often fairly obvious...
"If I had not moved to such-n-such a city, I would not have met my future spouse."
"If I had not gone into a certain store, I would not have met this person who became my life-long mentor."
"If I had not spoken to 'this' person about a project I was involved in....the project would have just become a 'dream on the shelf'."....and on and on....
But how can we KNOW that even NOW we may be at a monumental TURNING POINT that will change the future of our 'now' life?
I can only speak from my personal experience.....
and you can only speak from yours.....
For myself as a 'woman of faith' I depend on my past 'faith experiences with God'
to guide me when I, again, feel God's Spirit urging my heart
saying, 'This IS the way, walk ye in it!"
This is the 'easy' way.
Then there are other times that my human brain does the equation
of the moment and I 'have the peace'.....and move on.
Lastly, I walk out on limb, spontaneously make a decision after a quick 'Help!' prayer
then walk on water so to speak......
using only faith to either sink or swim.
This is the hard one because the 'outcome' is never known up-front.
It must be lived out in order to prove its value in my life....
Turning Points offer 'Breakthroughs' in our lives that are essential
for our personal growth
and relationship with God.....and each other....
Are you at a 'Turning Point' today?
I Am...so help me God!!! Again!
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