Bermuda Cruise
A week cruise with friends, Sally & Sam, Walker & Pat was a fun experience, as usual.Our ship, the MSC Italian Cruise line was a beautiful luxury ship BUT you will have to ask our friends about their shipboard experiences as...that is another story...
Bermuda is a 'fishhook' shaped island with pink sand beaches and the most turquoise water I've ever seen in the world! It is truly breathtaking.
Charlie and I enjoying Bermuda....
The pink sand from the beach is colored by the deep pink reef broken in tiny pieces by the currents and mixed with the sands of the is evident when it is wet...
Bermuda's beaches and rock formations are a testimony to the majestic creation
of God's Universe.
Charlie & I Praise The Lord for this time of beauty with friends that we love so much...
and who are sooooo much F U N.
King's Wharf and our Cruise transportation in the back ground...
We, also, saw the island by Express Ferry to St. George then 'express' bus from there to the city of Hamilton and then return to King's Wharf. The public bus ride was one of the 'greats' in our adventure..
Joshua, this one is for YOU! Pops says "this is Chad!" 
MoonGate...Make A Wish Arch...
According to Legend it says..
"Couples who kiss under our moongates, the wedding band-shaped found throughout the island - will be assured a long and happy life together.
Make a wish and look forward to
Dreams Come True!"
Yep, this trip was that...
MoonGate...Make A Wish Arch...
According to Legend it says..
"Couples who kiss under our moongates, the wedding band-shaped found throughout the island - will be assured a long and happy life together.
Make a wish and look forward to
Dreams Come True!"
Yep, this trip was that...
One of our beautiful pools on the MSC. It had Turkish baths, (clothed for sure) sauna's, steam rooms, tennis courts etc.
My dear husband picked me a flower every time we took a walk...
Kissing under the 'moongates' enhances The Good Life!
This is what happens when you pick flowers in public places....
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