May 19, 2009

Nancy's B'day...Prayer Girls 'Night Out'....

Faith, Fallon, Abby & Nancy

have a good meal and fun to celebrate Nancy B'day!

Sometimes family and friends look at my life and wonder how I can write 'cheerful' words of inspiration when there are still so many things that need to be 'fixed.' Even now I have a crazy cold that gave me laryngitis and I can hardly talk...a gift of peace to my family! Yet having 'fun' with my family and friends refreshes my life, constantly. Do you know that everyone needs others in their lives that they can just 'act goofy' with? I have many, many family and friends that are so 'like minded'...and I could not exist without this part of my life!

I thank God, daily, for the wonderful people He has given me...TO ENHANCE MY LIFE! Last night we prayer girls were recanting to Fallon, who is visiting from Chicago, about some of the miracles God has brought in answer to prayer. We had prayed for Nancy, as a single Mom, for 7 years....for the 'right' man, according to the will of God, for Nancy and her girls. Making a 'specific list'....a woman's list of course, made us laugh at some of the things Nancy included. When she met and married her 'dream man', Stan, God added His own 'bonus' items to Nancy's list plus fulfilling everything she asked for in this 'love of her life'....

THAT WAS A MIRACLE....we know it as a fact...

So, how can I 'Be Happy', Be Joyful' when things need to be 'fixed'? I BELIEVE that whatever I am going through ( and those I am praying for) IS ONLY TEMPORARY! I am ,also, a realist in that I KNOW these things are happening and I use my 'God given brain' to resolve what I can but in the long-run I have the PROMISE that 'God will fix' that which I can not....God is still in the MIRACLE BUSINESS! And it is a 'sin' as a 'person of faith' to not live this belief! Pardon me please, if I just continue to enjoy....The Good Life!

Psalms 78:32 Living Bible says it clearly (talking about the children of Israel in the wilderness) ..."Yet even so the people kept on sinning and REFUSED TO BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!"

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