Jun 30, 2009
Jun 29, 2009
Part II of...Chuck & Terry's Missionary Journey in Kenya...
Posted on 22 Jun 2009 by Chuck Fernandez
Mt. Elgon Part 2
6/14/09 Mt. Elgon Part 2-
Restoration & Revival-
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Saturday we returned to Mt. Elgon with one more person than I wanted to take for safety purposes but the Lord watched over us and we made a safe journey to the top of the mountain. There are many good reasons for returning to the site of the previous evangelism efforts. We not only able to build on last week's efforts but we saw many of the seeds that were planted and watered bring an increase this week. This was especially true for Terry and her translator Mary who were able to lead many to Christ of whom they had witnessed to last week. When we arrived there were a large number of villagers who were anticipating our return and the reception we received was overwhelming. Not only were there many there to welcome us back but there were also those who were anxious to help us with evangelism. Our group of eleven had grown in number and we thank God for providing the extra Christians from Mt. Elgon itself because they were Mosai's and would be needed to translate from Swahili to Mosai or English to Mosai. Because of the remote location and altitude many who live there have never learned Swahili or English. Keep in mind the people we transported from the Ndivisi district are from the Luyia Tribe so they do not speak Mosai. Two of the believers who were anxious to help with translation was a young man named Samuel and a lady named Rose Mary. They met with Pastor Peter on Tuesday evening to start the first official Bible study of the Landmark Baptist Church of Mt. Elgon. They are both born again Christians who have been praying that God would bring a Church back to their village.
To better understand their hunger for God, His people and His Word you need to remember that when the violence occurred the entire village was burned to the ground including any place of business, home and Churches.
There was only one Church left and it was used by the enemy clan to store all the stolen property with the permission of the Pastor. No one will attend the Church because of that incident and they have been praying for God to provide a new Church where they can worship. We saw a genuine excitement and hunger for God that is rare to find in this day and age.
When they talked of the time of the clashes and the time without a place to worship, learn and fellowship they said they have been extremely discouraged and downtrodden but now they were so happy that the Lord has brought them hope again. It was definitely a Spirit lead and Spirit filled day. There were times during the day that we had huge groups of people around us as we were sharing the Word of God.
It is clear that God is going to bring revival to this land.
One of the bi-products of revival is the salvation of souls.
When the seven teams reassembled for a meal after visitation it was exciting to hear that there were a total of 52 professions of faith in Christ.
Now for the doubters who might say that they only received Christ because you are a white man visiting their homes and they will do what you ask them to do. I personally did not lead a single person to Christ on Saturday. I did share the gospel and enjoy doing the work of an evangelist but I met mostly with believers and my heart was lead towards encouraging them and praying for them on Saturday. So clearly the results can only be attributed to the glory of God. Pastor Peter will be retuning Tuesday nights every week to follow up with those that were saved and to have a bible study for those that are waiting for a church to ground them in solid Bible Doctrine. That is where the real work and commitment begins. He rides his bike four hours to the base of the mountain and then walks two hours up the mountain and has purposed in his heart to travel there weekly until he eventually moves there to be their Pastor. Already there are 86 new converts waiting to be baptized and discipled along with scores of born again believers hungry for a renewal of their faith. Truly this seems to be a land prepared by the hand of God. Sunday we returned to Mawe Tatu (3 Stones) to find the Church plant there growing and healthy. We enjoyed meeting new members, visitors and participating in the baptismal service. There were 11 more new converts baptized and becoming members at Landmark Baptist of Mawe Tatu. This weekend was truly incredible experiencing the Lord in so many ways. One the ways that you know that you are making an impact on the people's lives here in Kenya is when they name their children after you. Friday there was a baby girl born and the parents named her Joy Teresa after Terry and one of the little orphan boys who we helped at Mt. Elgon last weekend whose name is Jr. is now being called Carlos for Chuck. Please pray for us as we continue our language studies on Monday.
Thanks for taking time to travel this awesome journey of faith with us.
Chuck and Terry FernandezKenya, East Africa
Posted on 15 Jun 2009 by Chuck Fernandez
Posted by
5:06 AM
Jun 27, 2009
Chuck & Terry's Life in Kenya...
Chuck and helpers repair fence and gate to compound in Turkana
Camp Mt. Elgon...the Evangelistic team..
Namawanga Baptist Church
Posted by
7:14 AM
Kenya, Africa....Words from our Missionary Son, Chuck & his wife, Terry...
Below is part of Chuck and Terry's Journal on his
This is Part 1....Will post Part 2 later...Please pray for them, continuously...
Posted on 15 Jun 2009 by Chuck Fernandez
6/6/09 Mt. Elgon- In the Shadow of the Almighty
After a short break from language school to visit Turkana we returned back to the Western providence to start a new evangelism campaign at Mt. Elgon and help encourage a new Church plant at a village called Namarambi. Before I get into the details of the evangelism efforts on Saturday I feel the need to give some you insight into the history of Mt. Elgon so you can better understand how the Lord is moving there and so you can better understand the range of emotions we went through before, during and after our visit. In brief, Mt. Elgon has a horrifying past over the last two years with some of the worst tribal clashes that have taken place in Kenya. There were over 600 killed there as well as many other atrocities that I don�€™t want to mention. These clashes occurred at the same time as the post-election violence here in Kenya but were not a direct result of the election. It was a time of opportunity for two clans within the Mosai tribe to fight for land. To make the matter worse a corrupt Army Colonel was sent in with a battalion of men to stop the fighting and ended up committing as bad or worse atrocities than the clans themselves. In addition the clans and the Army was a gang from bordering Uganda that came across to take advantage of the weakened tribe. There were four principle groups involved in some of the bloodiest and ruthless fighting that took place over the last two years. With that as the backdrop and news of a Canadian missionary couple being beaten and left for dead as well as a Belgium lady shot and killed there last year I had serious concerns. However after Pastor Peter Wanyonyi visited the Chiefs and District Commissioners we were given assurance that it was safe to return again with an evangelism team. So this is the bloody history of Mt. Elgon. You also need to understand that yesterday's evangelism efforts was God's answer to a young man's prayer from over five years ago. God gave Pastor Peter Wanyonyi a burden for Mt. Elgon over five years ago at a Pastors conference. He has been praying during that time that God would allow him to reach the Mosai tribe there and to plant a church. Little did he know all that would take place before God would answer that prayer. So with that as the backdrop Terry and I left El Doret at 6:30 am on Saturday to travel to Western. We met Pastor Peter and seven others from various areas to start our journey to Mt. Elgon. The Lord gave us traveling grace to Mt. Elgon and we started to climb the Mountain. Now keep in mind we are a group of 10 piled into the green camel (Landcruiser). The road up the Mountain was at least 33 degrees and maybe more in certain places. Mt. Elgon at its peak is around 13,000 ft. The dirt road/path without any guardrails closely resembled a trail with rocks and what we call Georgia clay. It was for sure a 4x4 low range climb that took around 45 minutes to make. When we arrived at the top Pastor Peter tells me that we were only about the 3rd vehicle that he has ever seen make it that high. He said most never make it up the mountain, I am thinking to myself and we did with 10 people on board? So just getting up the Mountain was a major accomplishment and getting down would be just as interesting. As we made it to the top we arrived at an area that could only be described as a refugee camp with an Army garrison located at the top of the mountain to separate the clans. The typical Kenyan housing of mud with thatch or tins roofs were very limited and the predominant housing was tents given by the Red Cross. Many people are scared to rebuild their homes until they feel it is safe again. You see the first thing that the rival clan did was burn the houses down, then they burned the storehouse and then proceeded to kill the men. After they killed the men, the Army arrived and did more of the same and actually hauled off all the sheet metal to be sold. We found many homes with widows and many women in the field working without a husband. We divided up into five visitation teams and we started out into the village that is a farming community on the side of the mountain. Terry went with her translator Mary and I went with Pastor Peter. As we shared the love of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ, I was constantly reminded of
Psalm 91:1...." He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. "
We met people that lost loved ones who were put to death in unspeakable ways, people that were in need of a touch from God. People living in land that needed healing. We met men who were struggling with life, hope and love. We met mommas that were still traumatized by the past. The message of the gospel is what is needed in the life's of the lost not only to give them eternal life but to give them hope and a reason to live. We assured them that God had not forgotten them and Jesus is also the source of comfort and strength. There is a place in the shadow of the Almighty that we can dwell knowing the fullness of God here on earth. It is in that place that we encouraged those affected by the recent violence to dwell and know that He is God and that He never leaves nor forsakes us. He loves us with an everlasting love and His grace is sufficient for us no matter what life brings our way. Not only did we see 27 professions of faith on Saturday but we also had a chance to minster to many hurting people. We lead entire families to Christ, many taking a break from weeding in rows of corn, digging up potatoes and picking green beans. The word of God was planted, watered and for some God gave the increase. We were also able to give medical aid to several very sick babies. The day with filled with sadness from the losses and joy from the additions to the kingdom of God but in the end we believe the name of Jesus was exalted and God was glorified. The people were definitely ready and in need of the Love of God. Please continue to pray for Mt. Elgon as we will return again next weekend to continue the evangelism. On Sunday we visited a small group of believers that meet in a home in a village called Namarambi. We had a great time of worshiping and preaching with these folks. We have organized an evangelism campaign there as well in three weeks. As we close our weekend our hearts are full of joy and our cups runneth over from the grace God gives us to be privileged enough to do His work. Nothing is more humbling than to be used by God almighty. Thank you for your prayers and allowing us to be a part of your life.
Chuck & Terry Fernandez......Kenya, East Africa.
Posted by
6:58 AM
Jun 25, 2009
From the Pages of...The Great Gatsby
My cousins, Betty & Ray D. as they attend a Gala Event
Posted by
9:00 AM
Jun 24, 2009
Why Worry? When You Can PRAY!
Have you ever been called a ....WORRYWART?
Mulling over things in our mind, day after day and repeating a thought process on a specific subject or person builds a energy field of activity that can seem like a 'dark cloud'....
I know.
Been there, done that!
When does the concern and caring thinking convert from 'looking for answers' logically to....WORRY?
Actually for myself, there is an 'invisible' line which I never know is there .....until I pass over and feel the consequences.
When I 'feel' the loss of my peace is the first sign....and even more dangerous is when I suddenly 'lose my joy'.
Then I am in 'real trouble' because I am not 'normal' .....me!
It takes a period of time before I realize that peace and joy is out the window and I am operating on 'nothing'.....
SUDDENLY, OUT OF THE BLUE it dawns on me......I have gone tooooooo far! I am out of my natural 'prayer zone'. Prayer to me....and my family (thank God) is as natural as breathing! Would I forget to breathe? How long would I last if I did? That is what happens when I get into a 'worrywart' phase.
Quickly I have the answer, not to the problem, but to the 'me' problem.
Matthew 7:7[ Effective Prayer ] “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."
Posted by
8:45 AM
Jun 23, 2009
Here is the main verse...
Romans14:1..."Give a warm welcome to any brother who wants to join you,
even though his faith is weak.
Don't criticize him for having different ideas from yours about what is right and wrong."
...The study guide says this about the subject...
...........Who is weak in faith and who is strong?
We are all weak in some areas and strong in others.
Our faith is strong in an area if we can survive contact with sin without falling into it.
It is weak if we must AVOID certain activities or places in order to protect our spiritual life.
It is important to take a self-inventory in order to find out where we are weak and where we are strong.
Whenever we feel called to go into the world in whatever capacity,
we should ask, "Can I do that without sinning? Can I influence others for good, rather than being influenced by them for evil?"
Our answer will show whether our faith is weak or strong in that area, at that time.
...........In areas of strength, we should not fear that we will be defiled by the world.
Rather, from our position of strength we should lead the world.
In areas of weakness, however, we need to play it safe.
If we have a strong faith but shelter it, we are NOT doing Christ's work in the world.
If we have a weak faith but expose it, we are being extremely foolish.
Strength and weakness are NOT permanent conditions.
Strength may diminish if it is not put to the test, and areas of weakness may develop by God's power into areas of strength...
Posted by
6:45 AM
Jun 21, 2009
Jun 18, 2009
Posted by
7:53 AM
Jun 17, 2009
Jun 15, 2009
Happy Birthday, MY Dear Yvonne
Yvonne, her granddaughter, Alayna, and I celebrate
Yvonne's birthday by acting silly and having fun...
My cousin, Yvonne, is one of the most inspiring persons
ON THIS EARTH! She can do ANYTHING she sets
her mind to and this sure got me into a 'lot of trouble'
when we were children...
Yvonne would 'think it up', I would do it...and be caught
as 'the guilty one'!
Yvonne, without arms.....drives, cooks, works in her yard, cleans, dresses
herself and cares completely for herself and others.
She, also, uses her laptop and programs every electronic gadget in her household.
Anything I can do...SHE CAN DO BETTER!
She helped to make me 'very competitive' just to keep up with her and her 'escapades'....
Yvonne, dear, I salute you as being...
and more important.....AN EXCELLENT...WOMAN OF FAITH!
My dear sweet 'innocent (not!)" cousin...
Picture below:
Yvonne's son, Spence, and one of his three daughters,
Alayna. One daughter, 'Tory' was at church camp.
Tory, a beautiful and smart teen-ager, came later and told us about
her camp and helping other children.
The other daughter, Ashley, had just given birth to a beautiful
baby girl named Clare.
Yvone, also, has another son, Chris, who along with wife Tisha, have three children
Spence is a grandfather at age 38!
BIRTHDAY GIRL with a gleam of mischief in her eyes...ALWAYS!
Posted by
8:14 AM
Jun 9, 2009
"People May Not Always Remember What We Said To Them
But They Will Remember How We Made Them Feel."
Posted by
8:34 AM
Jun 5, 2009
Please Watch these two short clips....You WILL Be Blessed!
A missionary's life is....different.
I have posted this before but if you have not watched these two video's...
PLEASE DO because it will show you, CLOSE UP, what a young family with 4 children go through as they 'serve the Lord' in Africa.
Designed 'with a sense of humor' view, you probably have to watch it twice to gather the meaning of the song...
Our son, Chuck, who knows this little James Taylor missionary family... gave it to me...
and they are priceless.
1st video....click below....then click on 'full screen' for best view...
2nd video...as they 'prepare' for the mission field...
God Bless ALL our Missionary Families....
Posted by
7:13 AM