Jun 24, 2009

Why Worry? When You Can PRAY!

Have you ever been called a ....WORRYWART?
Mulling over things in our mind, day after day and repeating a thought process on a specific subject or person builds a energy field of activity that can seem like a 'dark cloud'....
I know.
Been there, done that!
When does the concern and caring thinking convert from 'looking for answers' logically to....WORRY?
Actually for myself, there is an 'invisible' line which I never know is there .....until I pass over and feel the consequences.
When I 'feel' the loss of my peace is the first sign....and even more dangerous is when I suddenly 'lose my joy'.
Then I am in 'real trouble' because I am not 'normal' .....me!
It takes a period of time before I realize that peace and joy is out the window and I am operating on 'nothing'.....

SUDDENLY, OUT OF THE BLUE it dawns on me......I have gone tooooooo far! I am out of my natural 'prayer zone'. Prayer to me....and my family (thank God) is as natural as breathing! Would I forget to breathe? How long would I last if I did? That is what happens when I get into a 'worrywart' phase.

Quickly I have the answer, not to the problem, but to the 'me' problem.

Matthew 7:7[ Effective Prayer ] “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."


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