Being Thankful....Are We?
Hearing a sermon Sunday on 'Being Thankful ~ Being Grateful' reminds me anew of all of the blessings we have.....and take for granted!
Asking myself the question, "What do you DWELL on?" gives me the answer to how much time I spend thanking God for my blessings....and how much time I spend lamenting to Him about the 'unanswered' prayers or lives that 'need' to be changed.
I have a heart full of prayers that have been prayed continuously for years.
Life long prayers.
Progress has been made in many of the lives I bring before God in prayer...but truth be known, answers are just not 'fast' enough for I tell Him again...and again...and again...
During the meantime, blessings galore are all around me, everywhere I turn I am blessed...
Now what do I 'dwell' on?
It changes from day to day but I assure you I get in my fair share of thanking God for every single thing in my life because I AM SO HAPPY WITH HIM!
BUT.....there certainly is room for improvement because the time I dwell on 'things yet undone' would be better spent thanking Him that He hears, He answers, He changes and He blesses...
according to HIS TIMING IN LIFE....NOT MINE.
Patience goes hand~in~hand with prayer...
I have to learn this again and again.
Meanwhile, my focus needs to be on the continuous flow of blessings that I see minute by minute and name them, One by One, and thank God for each and every one I see...
For instance....our Son Chuck and wife Terry, who are missionaries to Eldoret & Turkana, Kenya , tell us that in the desert of Turkana there is dust everywhere, all the time.
They live, breathe and sometimes eat....dust.
It gets in everything......
There are layers and layers of it in their house, their clothes, their jeep on everything.
Here I sit in my nicely air-conditioned house without a thought of dust at air is filtered perfectly for my 'creature comfort'...
Why in the world would I not be thankful for these blessings of living this way normally in the good ole USA? Why take it for granted?
Seems like I could spend ALL day, praising and thanking God for my life filled with...
And so I shall....and so I will....till my last breath... Praise The Lord!
The Psalms say, (98:4...104:34 & 35)
......"Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth; burst into songs and make music...May my thoughts please Him; I am happy in the Lord. My whole being, praise the Lord...
Be glad that you are His; let those who seek the happy!"
Chuck welcomes friend/pastor, Jimmy Jones from Plant City...
Today they should be in the desert of Turkana, working in dust and
Praising The Lord to be doing it as well...
............................................Mawe Peak in Kenya
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