Feb 26, 2010

Feb 23, 2010

Matthew 18:20
"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."

Feb 22, 2010


Gratefully, I participate in the divine cycle of giving and receiving.
There are many things to be grateful for in my daily life--food, shelter and loved ones, to name a few.
I vow to never be so caught up in the busyness of the day that I take anything for granted.
I appreciate the people and the material blessings in my life, and I know that I am part of an even higher good. I live in a world that continually refreshes itself through the cycle of giving and receiving.
 Seeing myself in this context, I remember to demonstrate a positive, constructive approach to life that blesses me and those around me.
The truth of my being is that I am an expression of God,
 participating in the divine flow of giving and receiving.
 I am grateful for every blessing and for the opportunity to participate in the flow of abundance
With my song I give thanks to him.--Psalm 28:7
from: Daily Word Devotion

Feb 19, 2010

Compassion - Not Just A Word

My last blog was wishing our 'Mr. Tony' as the kids used to call him....a Happy Birthday below...
A little 'tale' here about our Tony.
On his birthday, Tony happened to see a duck by the road that had a broken leg.  He went by and in his mind and heart he felt.....COMPASSION.
So Tony being Tony, turned around went back and got a small net from his truck and gently caught the duck and took it into his truck. Next he got on his Blackberry and called Veterinarians. Three refused to see or take the duck but a 4th one in very North Tampa said 'Yes, bring him in.' and he did.
This Vet willingly took the duck saying they would fix him up and and see to his care and a grateful Tony left giving them a donation and went on about his work.
You see the Vet was also compassionate.
Tony, being a beautiful spiritual man, felt compassion for what he called 'God's creature' and put that compassion to an action that resulted in a wonderful 'good deed'.
Our giving money on the street corner is too a compassionate act BUT costs very little.
Being inconvenienced in order to ACT on compassion is sometimes very costly...
Our tribute goes out to you, Mr. Tony, for 'taking the high road'.
In fact, I am reminded of a song written by our dear friend  Gospel singer Bobby Michaels.
It is a Praise and Worship song to our Lord that reflects God saying,
"Do Not Offer Me Anything That Costs You Nothing".
Yep, Tony our God sees all, knows all and smiles lovingly at such Acts of 'inconvenient' compassion.
Thanks for sharing your little tale with Michelle....who of course, had to share with her Mom....

Feb 17, 2010

Tony, we wish you a very special day...
You are a family member who gives and gives, invisably, 
yet the fruit of your giving is seen over and over....
especially in our 'brats' Joshua and Dylan....
They look at you and say 'Poppa Tony' and
May You Be Blessed This Day and All Year!

Feb 13, 2010

My 'Boys'

My Valentines....

Feb 10, 2010

Loving people live in a loving world.
 Hostile people live in a hostile world.
 Same world. (Wayne Dyer)
"I married the first man I ever kissed.
 When I tell this to my children, they just about throw up."
- Barbara Bush
You Can NOT Give Love Away....It Always Comes Back To You!

Feb 5, 2010

The Question of......Forgiveness

Reading my today's devotion about.....FORGIVENESS.....sets my mind racing....
It seems that there is no other topic that people resist more than the topic of....FORGIVENESS.
My devotion goes like this:
"It is likely that there will be many, many times in your life when people will hurt you terribly and they will never apologize for what they have done.
Then what?
Do you hold a grudge for the rest of your life?
Unfortunately that attitude will result in isolation and loneliness, not to mention the possibility of high blood pressure, a stroke, heart trouble, etc. - all caused by the stress that accompanies such negative response.
Is it worth the risk?
Remember that forgiveness is more for YOU than for the one you are forgiving!
To forgive or not forgive~that is the question.
One leads to health and happiness, the other to allowing the hurt to live on and keep hurting.
Which will you choose?    (from: The Power For Living Bible)

Feb 3, 2010