Feb 5, 2010

The Question of......Forgiveness

Reading my today's devotion about.....FORGIVENESS.....sets my mind racing....
It seems that there is no other topic that people resist more than the topic of....FORGIVENESS.
My devotion goes like this:
"It is likely that there will be many, many times in your life when people will hurt you terribly and they will never apologize for what they have done.
Then what?
Do you hold a grudge for the rest of your life?
Unfortunately that attitude will result in isolation and loneliness, not to mention the possibility of high blood pressure, a stroke, heart trouble, etc. - all caused by the stress that accompanies such negative response.
Is it worth the risk?
Remember that forgiveness is more for YOU than for the one you are forgiving!
To forgive or not forgive~that is the question.
One leads to health and happiness, the other to allowing the hurt to live on and keep hurting.
Which will you choose?    (from: The Power For Living Bible)

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