Apr 29, 2010

Plug In To The Light

"The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5 

"Take a suitcase filled with darkness into a room filled with light.
When you open it, will the darkness from the suitcase spill out and dispel the light of the room,
engulfing it in pitch darkness?
Of course not!
Just the opposite will occur.
The light of the room will instantly flood the suitcase with light.
Having completed such an experiment, what conclusion would you draw?
Which is more powerful, the light or the darkness?
Ah, of course.  Light is far more powerful than darkness!
Then why do you and I fear the darkness?
As a Christian, we have the power of the eternal light source available to us.
No matter how dark our life may become, all we have to do is
remember to tap into the light.
We can trust that the light will ALWAYS outshine the darkness!"
by: Devotional from Sheila Schuller Coleman

Apr 23, 2010

Special day with Cindy & Lynn

Cousins share a special time of shopping and fun...

Cindy gives Lynn her belated 'Christmas' gifts....it was fun!

Apr 21, 2010


Do you know who these kids are?
I apreciate the people in my life.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated. We want to know our efforts have been worthwhile, our talents are important, and our views and opinions are valuable.
Have I told the people in my life lately that I appreciate them? Have I thanked them for their love and support, their faith and understanding, their time and effort?
I show my appreciation today by sending the people I care about an encouraging card or e-mail, treating them to a special lunch or a bouquet of flowers, or doing an errand that helps ease the stress in their lives. I make it known that I truly appreciate them. With every gesture of appreciation, I, too, am blessed.
Every act of gratitude opens me to greater abundance, love, peace and joy.
"I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers."--Ephesians 1:16
(from: Daily Word Devotion)

Apr 17, 2010

Playful ...

I relax into my inner spirit and have fun!
Play comes easily to children. They spend entire days engaged in joyful activity. As an adult, I often become immersed in the seriousness of life and lose touch with the fun-loving child in me. But when I allow myself to play, I feel connected to Spirit. I am in tune with the lighter side of life. Life seems more amusing when I realize it's not meant to be focused on stress and worry, but on freedom and joy.
                                 Joshua & Max...having fun!
When I turn within, I reconnect with my playful spirit. I embrace the happiness that is here for me every day. Play is a natural expression of my being, and another aspect of my growth.
When I let go and let God, I enjoy life and play!
"And all the people went up following him, playing on pipes and rejoicing with great joy, so that the earth quaked at their noise."--1 Kings 1:40
                         Kason and Lil Chuck aka: Turkey
Dylan and Joshua...full of delight!
Devotion of the Day (from: Daily Word)

Apr 14, 2010

Apr 5, 2010

Family Easter

Having lunch at a Channelside Greek Restaurant provided
Charlie with a patio view of the Carnival Legend Ship.
He wanted to do a 'stowaway'...
Chad, Lynn, Tony, Charlie & I are below at Channelside...

Proud Grandparents of Chucky IV aka: Lil Turkey...
Chuck & Terry returned Easter Sunday to Kenya and
blessed us all with their short visit...

Apr 1, 2010

Chuck a 'natural born' fisherman...for fish...and men...This is a Redfish from Indian River(and Mosquito Lagoon area) that he caught and named "The Monster"

Chuck & Terry leave our home as they return to Kenya...

Terry, a priceless 'help-mate' for our son..
The Kenya 'Mama's and Children' adore her...
God Bless you Dear One...

Proud Mom....God Bless Them as They Travel for HIM!!!!