Apr 29, 2010

Plug In To The Light

"The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5 

"Take a suitcase filled with darkness into a room filled with light.
When you open it, will the darkness from the suitcase spill out and dispel the light of the room,
engulfing it in pitch darkness?
Of course not!
Just the opposite will occur.
The light of the room will instantly flood the suitcase with light.
Having completed such an experiment, what conclusion would you draw?
Which is more powerful, the light or the darkness?
Ah, of course.  Light is far more powerful than darkness!
Then why do you and I fear the darkness?
As a Christian, we have the power of the eternal light source available to us.
No matter how dark our life may become, all we have to do is
remember to tap into the light.
We can trust that the light will ALWAYS outshine the darkness!"
by: Devotional from Sheila Schuller Coleman

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