A Salute To A Faith~Filled Soldier...Paul O. Cuzzupe II
Paul was known and loved.
He was brave, courageous and human too
Yet he gave his life for me and you.
In a far off land
Life stopped for this brave young man
The Ultimate Gift was given that day
Greater Love had it's way....As the scriptures so clearly say,
To lay down one's life for a friend
Is the 'beginning' not the 'end'....
This soldier had faith, love and joy
Just ask this 'Mama' about her precious boy....
American, we owe this family well
How much?....only Eternity can tell
We owe much to Paul O. Cuzzupe II today
And many more 'Paul's' who with their life did pay
For you and I to live FREE in the USA.....
written by: Faith
Daughter, Lynn, and Son, Chad, attend Graveside Memorial Service... Patriotic Motorcycle Group in back... |
I would like to thank Chad and Lynn from the bottom of my heart for going to this Memorial Tribute... They did not know Paul personally yet each felt this was something they were 'impressed' to do..... Asking them what they gave up to HONOR this wonderful Son of America... Lynn said simply, "A Saturday afternoon trip to the mall." When they were talking to an elderly veteran with a flag in his hand who was near them, explaining about the many family military members such as their Dad who served in the 82nd Airborne and the 101st as well...... their final explanation was simply, "We were 'raised' this way." I thank God for the heart of these two wonderful and genuine family patriots.... |
Lynn and Chad's Patriotism is considered 'normal' in our family.... This event, placing an American Flag on Uncle Vic's Site, at Christmas time is a normal occurrence... They go to Florida National Cemetery regularly and pay tribute to family members... Remembering...the Pauls, the Victors, the GeorgesYes, they are gone...but not forgotten... Thank you, Chad and Lynn and may God Bless your missions of Love and Honor.... |
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