Sep 7, 2010

Wow, How Time Flies!!!

Busy days of life  filled with work, fun, family and events of importance seem to take the wings of time and fly like the wind.
Sure would like to 'stop time' at certain given points....and just 'savor the moment' or enjoy it unhurriedly.
It seems as if  time is on fast-forward.
We all have the same 24 hours in each day and the choice of how to use it...
Certain 'chapters' of our lives require blocks of time that is necessary ie: young children, teens, etc.
As I was reading the Psalms this morning, I found peace in these words.
Psalm 90:12-17....
"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have.
When morning comes, let Your love satisfy ALL our needs.
THEN we can celebrate and be GLAD for what time we have left.
Make us happy and do wonderful things for us, Your children.
Our Lord and our God, treat us with kindness and let all go well for us.
Please let all go well!"
                                     Let's Laugh Now....

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