Jan 17, 2011

January half gone!
2011 is a 'back~to~the~future' thought process.
Time is fleeting by on wings of  memorable moments that are priceless and then....gone.
Is life....'out of control'?
It sure seems that way at times!
Where are the lazy days of 'non~doing' like Walt Whitman wrote about?
Times of reflecting, meditating, savoring precious memories, and loving deeply in thought are becoming very rare more than 'normal'.
I ask myself that again and again...
We all have the same 24 hours in a day.
My hectic, fast~paced style of life is self-imposed.
Everything and every one's 'wants' seem very important to me.
Why are my 'wants' or needs placed as 'low priority' in own my life?
Simply because I allow this....I make the decision or choice to place everything above my own needs.
Then I ask myself, what are my needs?????
I really need  peace, times of reflection, prayer, Bible reading, staring into the fire with a good book laying idle in my hands, sitting in nature and watching the reflections of light at different times of the day and evening, hearing sea waves rolling into the sand and actually 'feeling' into my soul the heartbeat of life....
Do I really have 'too much to do' to NOT do this?
Shame, Shame!
I am determined to take my life back, so help me God!!!
In order to do that I must say 'NO' to myself and others that I love.
That does not come easy for me for I certainly am a 'hands~on~can~do' kind of person.
Let's 'Get~r~Done' is a mentality that is good but 'out~of~control' can become a way of life that is.....bad!
I know this by personal experience as does many members of my family who share my same DNA.....
I am reminded of a scripture that can now be my Rx...
"Be STILL and KNOW that I am God!" Psalm 46:10
My Prayer:
Dear Lord, help me daily, I pray.
Please bring into my life those times that  
"maketh me lie down in green pasture that restoreth my soul,
He leadeth me beside the still waters."
This results in the 
first words of Your 23rd Psalm which say,
"The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall NOT want..." 
"Be STILL and KNOW.....that I AM GOD!"

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