Feb 10, 2011

The 'Perfect' Valentine's Day Gift....

A wonderful Valentine gift  is..........
The Gift of Forgiveness....
(from: Daily Word Devotion)
Everyone of us has experienced some pain in relationships.
Yet some people seem to overcome their pain sooner than others. 
The wise know that we cannot receive the good that we desire while
our hearts are unforgiving.
...."a letting go of old thoughts in order that new thoughts may
find a place in our hearts, consciousness and lives."
When I renounce, or let go of, the thought that anyone has  
lasting power over me, I am truly free.
The past cannot harm me unless I fix  my attention on it.
I am always free to forgive others, and I know that my 
transgressions are also forgiven.
By releasing the past, my hands are open 
to receive my present good!
I forgive, I am forgiven, and I am free!

"If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." Matt. 6:14


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