Oct 4, 2011

To My Many Friends....I LOVE You!

Reading from a book called, "What's Worth Knowing" by Wendy Lustbader,
one article caught my eye, and heart.
Written from an 89 yr. old, John Caughlan' s philosophy of life view, John said this,

 "Good fortune is having good friends!
Your family is stuck with you.
After you get married, your wife or husband is stuck with you, too.
But friends are free to come and go.
The ones who stay by your side becomes your treasures.
They just plain like you.
I'm proud of certain things I've done in my life, certain accomplishments.
But look at my friends.
You can't just go out and acquire them.
You make them!
Years  go by, and you go through hard times together.
It takes some doing.
I look around and see how lucky I am to have such fine people in my life and
I thank God for them."

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