Nov 11, 2011

Thank You....

Our Nation owes a debt more costly and vast than the countries now enormous deficit.
This is the 'debt of Honor' due our military members, past and present, who have been
committed with their very the cause of Freedom here at home and around the world.
In addition, the families of these military members, stand in this long line of 'unsung heroes' which our country often takes for granted.
It is in this, 'things which money can not buy' that we can be proud of the 'character' of the men and women who so nobly 'walk the talk' of service to their fellow man.
'No greater love hath man than this...' to lay down his own life...for another.
Military persons do this all the time...that's how they 'roll'!
We salute you one and all for being the BEST of the BEST!
May God show His favor to you all for being His 'invisible' Hands of service here in the good ole USA and around the globe as well....

~Pay to all what is due them, .....
respect to whom respect is due,
honor to whom honor is due. 
~Romans 13:7

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