Jan 20, 2012

Healing Hurts Through Forgiveness

One of the best teachings I've ever heard on 'forgiveness' was by our Pastor Phil on Sunday...
Since we by our human nature, carry lots and lots of baggage of unresolved issues inside of us, a internal 'housecleaning' is needed over and over.
He gave us steps of how to get and give.....forgiveness.
1...Do it....Immediately
2...Do it....Personally
3...Do  It...Lovingly
4...Do it....Thoroughly

The offender should say:
1..."I am sorry."
2..."I won't do that again."
3..."Will you forgive me?"
4..."What else can I do to fix this?"

The offended shoud say:
1..."I forgive you."
2..."I promise I won't bring this up and use it against you in the future."
3..."I promise I'm not going to dwell on it in my own heart and mind."
4..."I'm not going to talk to other people about it."
5..."I'm not going to let it stand between us or hinder our personal relationship."
Move foreward and be at Peace then.....

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