Aug 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Dear Terry in Kenya, Africa....Baked you a cake...and then ate some of it :)

Terry, we hope you celebrate, dance with joy,
and have a lot of FUN on this your special day.
You serve and make lots of people happy in
Kenya, so we pray that God initiates and blesses this day in a special way
Love from your craZy family in Florida

Aug 12, 2012

Seeing God's Heart in Everything

This mornings leaf and its shadow spoke to my heart......
at my very doorstop :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Aug 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to YOU, Walker, aka: WW

WW, We wish you a wonderful 'It Is A GOOD Life' Special Birthday...
 Looking forward to celebrating with you on our upcoming cruise.
            We thank God for you and all the 'sensible wisdom' and
                               good clean fun you bring into our life
                                     and the lives of your family and
                                           everyone you meet.
                                   YO TE QUIERO MUCHO :)
                        *** (Click on picture below for larger view)

MAR 17, 2010  I first posted this in 2010...It is my today's Inspiration again :)

Rainbow of Promise....First Rainbow

Reading my today's devotion gives me peace because I have used the rainbow as my promise theme between God and I for years and years....And then along came all the 'mistaken' ideas of what the rainbow means and I felt pain  that the truth and beauty of the rainbow became so distorted.....
Today's words I share with you as the original meaning of....
The Rainbow
Genesis 9:13
"I have set my rainbow in the cloud,
and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."

The story of Noah and the ark is one of promise.
God's people turned their backs on God, but He reached out to Noah and his family to preserve a remnant of His creation.  Noah honored God's call, and in doing so, saved his family and himself from utter destruction from a flood.  As a symbol of His promise never to cover the earth again with a flood, God set a rainbow in the sky.
Next time you see a rainbow remember that God always keeps His promises.
But you don't have to see a rainbow to know and rest on that assurance.
God is a God of positive promises.
He has promised NEVER to leave you or forsake you and that you can have an abundant life.
Claim His promises today and believe in them!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
(From: Power for Life Bible)

Heaven's Rainbow
"Then as I looked, great bursts of light flashed forth from Him (Jesus) as from a glittering diamond, or from a shining ruby, and
 rainbow glowing like an emerald circled His Throne."
John's Spiritual Revelation about Heaven in Revelation 4:3
From Genesis to Revelation...The Rainbow was God's Idea...and it still is....
God's Rainbow is breath-taking
Remember that the next time you see one in the sky...
It is God speaking to YOU and ME
with His Rainbow of Love!!!

Aug 6, 2012

Open My Eyes :)


I am receptive to spiritual understanding and inspiration.

As I start my day in quiet meditation, I am centered and aware of the activity of God within me.
I ask for guidance and understanding and am open and receptive to it.
Flashes of insight come to me throughout the day, and I smile with each realization.
Often I am surprised at the way answers come.
 I hear a song lyric that inspires me or a friend mentions a helpful book or resource.
Divine ideas seem to come from out of the blue. I realize again that when I ask, I receive.
When I am ready, my prayers are answered.
I remain open to God, listening with heart and mind, and knowing I will recognize that which emanates from God's Divinity and the Heart of Jesus by His Holy Spirit.
Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things, as You show me your miracle~wonders; give me CLEAR directions, for this I pray.
—Psalm 119:18 Msg. and Common English Bible
Part of this was taken from the Daily Word Devotional