Rainbow of Promise....First Rainbow
Reading my today's devotion gives me peace because I have used the rainbow as my promise theme between God and I for years and years....And then along came all the 'mistaken' ideas of what the rainbow means and I felt pain that the truth and beauty of the rainbow became so distorted.....
Today's words I share with you as the original meaning of....
The Rainbow
Genesis 9:13
"I have set my rainbow in the cloud,
and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."
The story of Noah and the ark is one of promise.
God's people turned their backs on God, but He reached out to Noah and his family to preserve a remnant of His creation. Noah honored God's call, and in doing so, saved his family and himself from utter destruction from a flood. As a symbol of His promise never to cover the earth again with a flood, God set a rainbow in the sky.
Next time you see a rainbow remember that God always keeps His promises.
But you don't have to see a rainbow to know and rest on that assurance.
God is a God of positive promises.
He has promised NEVER to leave you or forsake you and that you can have an abundant life.
Claim His promises today and believe in them!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
(From: Power for Life Bible)

Heaven's Rainbow
"Then as I looked, great bursts of light flashed forth from Him (Jesus) as from a glittering diamond, or from a shining ruby, and
a rainbow glowing like an emerald circled His Throne."
John's Spiritual Revelation about Heaven in Revelation 4:3
From Genesis to Revelation...The Rainbow was God's Idea...and it still is....
God's Rainbow is breath-taking
Remember that the next time you see one in the sky...
It is God speaking to YOU and ME
with His Rainbow of Love!!!
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