Oct 28, 2007

Ash & Matt Perry Wedding...Oct. 27, 2007

Here come the Bride!

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Perry

Wedding Party enroute to reception....Let the Party Begin!

Cousins Britt & Carla....aka: Tally and Molly

Britt, Faith & Lynn...Happy Groom's Family

A brief slide show is below..... (you can click on any picture in the slide show and it will carry you to a gallery view where you can manually scroll through pictures...)

Ash & Matt Perry Wedding...

Oct 25, 2007

Let's Laugh Now!

This morning, early morn say 4:00 a.m. when I do some of my best thinking, my thoughts turned to one of our family favorites lovingly known as 'Uncle Vic'.

Dear Victor was one of the most patriotic persons I have ever known....
he was such an inspiration to all his family that one of our sons
was named after him....Chadwick Victor.
Vic was a very 'happy' person and he liked to see everyone
around him happy as well...
When it was learned that Victor had a terminal illness, his home was inundated with family and friends who wished to express love from the heart to this dear and precious man...
Chad, Lynn and I stood by his bedside praying, and weeping, while he was in a semi-conscious state.....Suddenly Vic opened his eyes and looked at us and said, "Let's laugh now"!
Needless to say, we did!
A couple of days later on July 4th, a very patriotic holiday,
Victor left this earth for a much 'happier' place.....
yet in leaving... his legacy lives on.....there are times when life seems hard, unfair, sad, and full of pain.....
then I can hear so clearly the words of our family patriot ....
"Let's Laugh Now!"
That is what I heard at 4:00 a.m. this morning.....
and my heart was filled with JOY.....

Oct 24, 2007

Zet volunteers at....Race for the Cure!

Our Gracie with her 'signature hat', of course, and friend do their part at the Breast Cancer event recently in Jacksonville....Gracie, dear, we appreciate you and your 'sisters' taking action in Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness and Education.....
You go, girls!

Oct 23, 2007

Don't Be....Selfish!

Joshua teaches me sooooo much.....He is so smart at 6 yrs. of age that I am amazed at his unique thinking....

Recently he gave me a very profound answer and I asked him , "Joshua, how did you learn something like that?"He replied, "I just think about it in my head until I understand it!"

He certainly knows how to.....THINK!

Yesterday his Mom or Neena offered him some M&M candies and his reply,
"No thank you, it makes my blood pressure go up."
Now that is not just something that he has heard an 'older' person say.....
he can tell you where to feel the pulse on the body, what elevates it etc....
On Sunday he went to the airshow with his 'Popie' and Uncle Chuckie and 'lil Chuck' and went through the Marines Boot Camp for kids.....
he carefully explained to me every step that was taken, which one was 'very strenuous' and hurt his arms, and how fast he had to do it all....

In addition to all of the above, Joshua was chosen in his class last year as the 'most helpful to others' student because he really cares and is helpful with other 'little kids'.....

Amazing child.....smart child....caring child.....thinking child....fun child.....
that is our Joshua!

As I am reading this mornings devotion from my Bible
it reads in Philippians 2....(LB).....

"Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others.....be humble, thinking of others. Don't just think about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing..."

Sounds like most adults could learn a lot from the 'thinking and doing' of this 6 yr. old child....

Today I salute you dear Joshua...our JJ....our 'ring-bearer' for the upcoming wedding...

You are...Our Champion....
May God continue to bless you as you grow....

Oct 17, 2007

MJ...Mother of our "Lil Turkey'....

Melissa Jo....'dumb blonde'....N O T!!!

She is blonde and beautiful....
Intelligence galore
Loving and good and even what's more
Her Mothering heart is fine as can be
Just look at 'Little Chuck' and you can plainly see
A little imp with her smile, her 'clone' today.....
And her work at Hospice is superb and 'beyond pay'
So dear, Melissa Jo, our family loves you through and through
Our prayer is that God continue to guide
......and abundantly bless YOU!

Double Rainbow as seen from Chad's balcony....

Oct 15, 2007

Rx....for today!

God's peace deeply imbedded in your mind can often have a more tranquilizing and healing effect upon nerves and tension than medicine.
God's peace is itself....medicinal!

Oct 12, 2007

Abby's Pictures of 'THE President' in her neighborhood....the Bayou Club........

George W. waves to 'neighborhood crowd'....

In Abby's yard this little boy proudly waves his flag....
His shirt says...I am a child of God....

Growing God's Way ...Created for a Purpose.

George W. WAS in town....Abby was my source of
moment by moment excitement...Thank you, dear one,
for pictures and fun....through your eyes...

My prayer partner, Abby and husband Al, and their neighbors await George W. this morning...

Al, see we told you that
Abby's new iPhone was a 'necessity'

Their neighborhood is having a visit this morning from THE PRESIDENT...
A lunch fundraiser that costs $25,000. per person is the event...

God Bless our President....and our Country the good ole USA!

Oct 11, 2007

Lil Turkey is H A P P Y!

Something was "over there!"

Good Morning Headache!

The fast pace of life can be overwhelming at times....
Especially the time between Sept. and through Christmas to the end of the year...
Add to that mix....births of babies in the family....weddings....long-planned-for travel......guests in the home......and just normal daily living.....
'Tis no wonder that I awoke with a 'headache' this morning......
Stress....plain ole fast-paced stress.....is the known villain!
Then, again, maybe having my 2nd cup of 'morning coffee'
will take care of the headache...
At any rate, it is a 'good' headache if there is ever 'sucha thang'!
Too much of anything is......too much.....
Time to STOP, smell the roses or fresh cut grass, unwind and just choose to participate in what
Walt Whitman calls 'The art of...non-doing' .....
I have, almost, forgotten HOW!
Tranquility at the beach which is 5 minutes from my house, listening to birds sing joyfully, waking up at the river on our Milagro boat, taking a slow stroll through the Carillon nature walk, or just lying quietly on a float in the pool are things that I have not done in .....months!
'Tis no wonder that a headache appears out of nowhere and
vies for my attention...
It is time to....unwind!
My way of doing this is in.....aloneness.
Getting apart from life's normal activites, being alone and separate from others that I love to death, and choosing moments of time that are tranquil and serene.
This is my Rx for today....
God knows I NEED it.....
In Matthew 6, Jesus speaks of this....."So don't 'worry' about things...Will all your worries add a single moment to your life? Don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time."
Good advice.....and a timely Rx for my 'good morning headache'.....

Oct 10, 2007

God Bless This Little Family!

Damien Graham, Seisha and Richard's new son, holds

tightly to his Dad's dog tags....Dad is in Iraq 'serving'
his country...God Bless This Little Family.....

Oct 9, 2007

Check out my Diamond Hunting Trip at the address below....


Writing captions did not come through on this photo show....
Trip began in Pensacola, Florida, then on to Vicksburg, Mississippi.....
the Rainbow Hotel & Casino, then the Vicksburg Civil War Memorial which included the
sunken and now restored USS Cairo from 1863.
You may have to, temporarily, disable your firewall while the photo show loads.....
Check it out!

Oct 8, 2007

How Do I Love Thee?

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Bride & Groom to be on Oct. 27, 2007

Happy Ashley and Matt in some of their
engagement pictures....

Ybor is a picturesque place for fun photos

My favorite with a Tropical flair....
God Bless you Ash & Matt....

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Ashley's Brides Maid Luncheon....

Ashley, Melissa Jo, Jeanette....other Brides Maid out of town...
Sassy Girls.....that's for sure!

Groom's Mom, Lynn, Bride, Ash, Melissa Jo & Faith

Ash...ALWAYS being served....ask Melissa Jo!

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Oct 3, 2007

Enjoying The Good Life....on the road....

Charlie's Hang-Gliding Cliff....Mt. Magazine State Park
Instructor was a no-show and wind was high....so he had
to 'wing it'.....

Lodge at Mt. Magazine State Park, Arkansas

Charlie & Ray....dirty and tired diamond miners....
Walking down 'Bath House Row' to experience the
140 degree hot springs....there was once 47 public
bath houses in Hot Springs....

Betty, Faith and Annie P. know how to get gems, crystal
quartz, 24 k. gold and other beautiful stones...

Beautiful Glass Chapel in the Woods.....

We had our own private concert....Ray played Amazing Grace
on his harmonica for us....
What a blessing.....

Oct 1, 2007

Crater of Diamonds....Digging is WORK!

Charlie worked and worked....we had to make him leave....
.....diamonds were found in this field.....BUT NOT BY US!