Oct 31, 2008

....His Truth Is Marching On.....

James Madison: The Man Most Responsible For The Constitution said:
"We have staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government,

far from it.

We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us

to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

Oct 27, 2008

God HAS Blessed America...

Yesterday Chad, Lynn, Brian and I visited several family members memorial site at the Bushnell Florida National Cemetery....Charlie was in P.R. so we went in his behalf as well.
It was a wonderful, peaceful and sacred event...
Located on federal land within the
Withlacoochee State Forest, land for Florida National Cemetery, the fourth National Cemetery in the state, was first set aside in 1983.
The first interment was made in

Chad folds flag properly...learned at Riverside Military Academy...

Lynn, Chad and I pay tribute to 'Uncle Vic'...a great
American patriot...and a very much 'loved' man...
His last words to us...
"Let's laugh now..."

Lynn at Tony's father's memorial site...
I love his words that say...
"Remember me with JOY!"
And we do...

You are invited to view Faith's photo album: Florida Memorial National Cemetery
Florida Memorial National Cemetery
Oct 26, 2008 by Faith
View Album

Oct 24, 2008

Old or....Young?

"Some people, no matter how old they get,
NEVER lose their beauty -
they merely move it from their faces
into their hearts..."
by: Martin Buxbaum

Oct 22, 2008

Great Wall of Chocolate...

Prayer Girls Nancy & Abby with the 6 layer "great wall of chocolate' at P.F. Chang's today....
It was so good to catch up on each others lives and God's work in our families....
We have learned to expect the 'unexpected' and know that every day, with faith, God walks with us in the good, bad and ugly of life... and that HE LOVES FAMILIES.

Oct 21, 2008

The Turn of an Idea

From the Book: Serendipity....(quoted)
"There's an interesting 'unusual' story about Thomas Edison.
It is said that he had at the entrance to his home and on the fence that surrounded it a heavy, clumsy gate.
One of his friends often wondered about that gate and why a man of his standing would put up with such an unattractive gate on his property.
One day he ventured to ask about it and to suggest casually that Edison get something more modern and easier to open and close.
Mr. Edison looked at him with a twinkle in his eye...
"Come," he said, " let me show you something."
He showed him how the big gate was geared-in with a pumping contraption and said, "You see, every man who comes to see me and opens or shuts the gate automatically pumps a gallon of water into a tank on my roof."

....Proverbs 18:15 LB says...."The intelligent man(or woman) is always open to NEW IDEAS. In fact, he looks for them."

Oct 20, 2008

The Touch of Influence

Reading an old book called "Serendipity" by J. Wallace Hamilton, I found many interesting ideas and thoughts....

The chapter on 'The Touch of Influence' had some interesting thoughts and I quote...
"...Each of us inherited something from our parents. They touched us. But each of our parents had two parents: that's four; and they each had two: that's eight.
Go back to the tenth generation, and each of us had a thousand and twenty-four parent-people; and in the twentieth generation - - -hold your breath now - - - one million forty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-six!
Who touches me?
They touched me, a million far-off ancestors touched me.
And they were not all saints back there....
Heredity is the time-binder, the touch of the past on the present that links us to the future.
It is a something in the blood, in the bone, in the mind.
No one can tell what may show up.
A child may skip two generations and come up with a reassortment of great-grandfather and Aunt Matilda. Heredity is red hair in a great-grandchild. It's a mole on the cheek. It's a way of laughing or walking or talking. It may be an unexpected spark of genius out of yesterday, or an ear for music, or an eye for beauty, or some realignment out of the remote past that we can't trace anywhere.
Richard Rolle, the Irish poet put it this way:

The limbs that move, the eyes that see,
There are not entirely me;
Dead men and women helped to shape
The mold which I do not escape;
The words I speak, my written line,
These are not uniquely mine.
For in my heart and in my will
Old ancestors are warring still,
Celt, Roman, Saxon, and all the dead
From whose rich blood my veins are fed,
In aspect, gesture, voices, tone,
Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone;
In fields they tilled, I plow the sod,
I walk the mountain paths they trod;
And round my daily steps arise
The good and bad of the centuries...
Their Touch of Influence....much to my surprise...."
Being involved in my online ...Geni Family Tree...which now has over 800 persons on it kinda
makes me see the many ones who have passed before me and how even now....
their and our influence will be felt long after we are gone...
(Click on picture to enlarge)....

Oct 16, 2008

Lil Chuck aka: 'turkey'....Florida boy!

Fishy, Fish...do I like you or not?

Maybe 'tis not so bad after all....

Mommy makes it ...F U N!

Oct 14, 2008

Joshua....Our 'Star'

Our Joshua at Ballast Point Elementary School

Joshua was chosen by his school for a TV spot to represent all of his 2nd grade class. Pops told him that he wanted to 'reward' him for being such a good student. Nena picked him up from school and met us at West Shore Mall and all of us had a special time together...
JJ chose his own gift...an electronic game, of course.

Joshua has 'lost' two teeth and gained them back again in the
last few weeks....

Proud Grandparents of a very special young man....,

Nena and her JJ

Oct 10, 2008

Chuck at Grand Ole Opry

Missionary Man is in Tennessee now....

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Words To Live By

"But those who are noble
plan noble things." -Isaiah 32:8

Oct 8, 2008

Sebastian Fun with Brothers and Friends

Being with my two brothers, Dockie & Aaron, is a real treat for me.
Recovering from my recent 'parasite' and being on the eastern coast
of Florida with family and friends is truly therapeutic....

Aaron saying good-bye and heading north to Daytona....

Celebrating Pat's birthday was fun...
Ann, Pat, Sally & I