Aug 30, 2005

Want a Face Lift? *Click on Picture!


There are those who have a special talent for making people laugh!
They notice funny circumstances everywhere they go.
With just the right placement of a bit of humor, they have the capacity to change the mood of a roomful of people from stressful to...

It is said that laughter is infectious. I believe this is true because laughter is meant to be shared. When I am laughing with someone, I have no thought of irritation or worry.
Laughter lightens my mood and joyfully uplifts my outlook on life, filling me with a spirit of gratitude.
I share that gratitude with others when I smile, laugh, and enjoy this beautiful life that God has given me.
It is through a thankful heart that I enjoy life.
Acknowledging the good in all, I am filled with the Spirit truly enjoy.....The Good Life........

Aug 27, 2005

Passions......Passions of the Heart!

***Note....Click on picture to enlarge for better viewing

Passion....Passions of the ....Heart!

Cousin Don (a.k.a... Don Juan)...
'Makin Music'....from the heart....below is Don's own words about his 'beloved'....and stunning...trumpet....

That is my blue, custom engraved, (with Don Juan) 2003 "Martin Committee Deluxe" trumpet....
They cost about $3,000........I had to wait 6 months to get it, even after I had paid for it....for their "one" master engraver "Howard Hartnell"
to finally get to my horn (he has a backlog) to engrave it and put Don Juan on it.
I'll send you the original (which was taken by Ed Tiley) when we headlined the "Apalachicola Jazz Festival" last year.
It is an awesome trumpet........a work of art and also plays like a dream.
It is an anodized blue cobalt finish with custom engraving and gold trim.
This is the exact type of horn that Miles Davis played just before he died in 1991 (except Howard Hartnell engraved Miles Davis on his).

Passion....Passions of the Heart........A Johann Sebastian Bach quote says it best......"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul."

A note From: Don a.k.a. "Don Juan"

"I just became a member of "Bugles Across America" to make myself available to play TAPS for any veteran's funeral which takes place within 100 miles of Tallahassee Florida. There is a shortage of buglers available to play for veterans funerals across the nation and I feel strongly that I have a duty to do this. I played TAPS many times when I was a US AIR FORCE MUSICIAN during the Vietnam era. I served a full 4 year stint in the US Air Force between 1968-1972...."

Aug 24, 2005

Negative or Positive...... Happy:} or Sad:{

Two men went into the hospital at about the same time, having suffered similar heart attacks.

One of the men grew depressed and irritable. His attitude was sour and he cursed his fate.

The other man took it in stride. He kidded with everyone who came to visit him, and he laughed long and hard. He refused to be brought down by his plight. Instead, he occupied his time cheering up other patients and chatting with the staff.

The first man grew weak and frail. The other man left the hospital in good health, and resumed his old life quickly...

The way we face life has a lot to do with how good we will feel about it. If we are negative, then life will be a burden, but if we are positive, life will seem like the greatest gift we've ever known.

Happiness is .....CONTAGIOUS!

When we are happy it spreads....However, sadness is contagious, too, and when we are gloomy, we spread a gray cloud over all the people we meet. A positive spirit is like a powerful medicine. It has a great deal of power to heal. It is so much better to face life with joy than to let life get you down. The person who feels that life is bad will wither and fail...God gave us life to enjoy, and He blesses us when we embrace it with happiness and contentment....

Prayer: May God bless you and your family with Happiness, Contentment, Music in your soul and lots and lots of Love....

Aug 21, 2005

Chuckie here is Vinnie's 'new truck' after mudslinging....wonder where he learned this from?
Big brother, perhaps?

Aug 19, 2005

Good Cuban Food..... Our Britt and Pops at LaTeresita....

Aug 17, 2005

Sea Monsters from the deep....Derriel, Kurt and Granddaddy, Dockie....
Kinda think they look better, huh? Posted by Picasa

Allison's kind of scalloping....way to go girl! Posted by Picasa

Joshua & Pops go 'fishin'....he is reeling in his very first catch....
caught 4 others as well using hot dogs as bait!
He did release all of them, reluctantly......
What a thrill to see this 'special moment'..... Posted by Picasa

"Look, Neena, this is my first fish!" says Joshua.... Posted by Picasa

"Mommy, this is my first catch! Neena is happy..."
(he did release it, much to his dismay) but caught 3 others! Posted by Picasa

Aug 16, 2005

Family & Friends;

Go to my photo album link on the left and scroll down and then click on the album....
2004 & 2005 Steinhatchee Scallop Trip...
to compare 'our catch' from last year....

Aug 15, 2005

Come on...let's go...scalloping in Steinhatchee, Florida!

Sea Hag Marina....our 'meeting' place

This is my precious friend, Susan.
Susan and I invite you to read through the pictures below, the wonderful time we had with family and friends on our Steinhatchee scallop adventure over the week-end...'The best of the South' in people, environment, language, colloquialisms, and FUN....was shared by all in this 'blessed' event.

Enjoying...The GOOD LIFE Smile....

Which one is our 'Gracious Susan's' husband? Can you guess? Of course this is at 7:00 a.m. in the morning....before scalloping...AT HIGH TIDE! Posted by Picasa

Come on in and 'set a spell' in our local 'home' while I show you our 'Steinhatchee adventure....and some of the clowns, beauties, locals and good-clean-fun happenings from Thurs. to Sunday...Southern style, of course! Posted by Picasa

Our 'front yard'....Florida's finest! No Disney World here, this is 'the real deal'..... Posted by Picasa

Our 1 of 3...boat docks...this was wonderful to have our transportation within walking distance! Posted by Picasa

This is a classic...Father & Son, Chris & Kurt, enjoy Southern 'good times' together...what a blessing! Posted by Picasa

A little bit of 'boat mechanicing' is a must in any boating adventure.... Posted by Picasa

We Salute you, Debbie & Richard, for a 'job well-done as organizers....and yes, we want to book it again....FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS!.  Posted by Picasa

Charlie & I ready to enjoy Steinhatchee's best.... Posted by Picasa

"I'm ready to go NOW!", says Big Bill... Posted by Picasa

Boats were full to 'capacity'....and then some! Posted by Picasa

Granddaddy and Kurt have fun together...wonder which one is having the 'most' fun? Posted by Picasa

Pam delivers tropical drinks from one boat to another....and still gathers plenty of scallops... Posted by Picasa

Angie shows only part of 'her catch'....Sally can walk around great....AT LOW TIDE!  Posted by Picasa

Charlie is so Happy.....he shows off the limit for the day....10 gal. per boat.... Posted by Picasa

THIS IS.....IT! These 'little beauties' are what we came for....treasures of the seas! Posted by Picasa