Aug 30, 2006

Lighthouse on Jekyll Island was just one of the beautiful lighthouses we have seen on or 'East Coast trip'...going from Florida to Nova Scotia is quite an adventure...will post more pictures as we go along...

Aaron & Sam in Daytona

St. Augustine Lighthouse...

View from St. Augustine Lighthouse

Beautiful tree at Jekyll Island

Our rental travel van on the Mayport Ferry

Aug 28, 2006

The peaceful sleep of.....angels!

Are these the same baby? Actually, one is Joshua and the other is Dylan....Which is which....ask Britt and Neena!

Aug 26, 2006

1st day on planet earth makes Dylan....sleepy...

Sister & Brother with 1 day old, Dylan....

Ash with 'big foot' Dylan....

Uncle Matt plays with Joshua....

Joshua with 1 day old Dylan...

Our little 'Miracle Angel' of love....

Aug 25, 2006

"My name is Dylan Shane McLaughlin...
I was born on Aug. 25, 2006 at 5:04 p.m.
I weigh 7lb. 2oz. and am 20 inches long...
I don't like so many people holding me when I am hungry...
Many people love me already,
especially my big brother, Joshua..."

Dad, Shane, Mom~Britt and minutes old, Dylan...

Waiting patiently for hours...Tammy, Faith & Lynn...the 'baby huggers'.....

Uncle Chad makes Dylan cry when he is only 30 min. old...

Neena, Dylan & tired-but-happy Britt..What a 'blessed event.'

Lynn, Britt, Faith and baby Dylan..moments after birth....

My Brother, Dylan

Mother and two sons...

MaMa Tammy shows off 'all that hair'....

Aunt Nikki and MaMa Tammy...

"Is he real, Mom?"

'My baby brother' says Joshua

Our baby, Dylan...Mom, Joshua and Neena

Aug 24, 2006

Father & Marine 'reserve' week-end....

Double Trouble~Double Fun! Our 'lil turkey' with his John three-sixteen shirt...

Early morn serenity....a 'much needed' respite.

The Milagro....Peaceful time on the 'old river'...

Aug 20, 2006

Symptoms of....Inner Peace
Some signs of Inner peace:
...A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience.
...An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
...A loss of interest in judging other people.
...A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
...A loss of interest in conflict.
...A loss of interest in 'what others think' when knowing the truth within of our own responsibility and accountability before God...
...A loss of the ability to worry. ~This is a very serious symptom..~
...Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
...Spontaneous acts of lavish and bizarre generosity.
...Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
...Frequent attacks of smiling and laughter.
...An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than...
.......... make them happen....
...An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as .............
..............................the uncontrollable urge to love them back.

Aug 18, 2006


Ignoring a ‘problem’ doesn’t mean that it will…..’go away’….
Southerners often have a philosophy that says, “Make the best of things…”
and this is truly a wonderful, positive attitude for life.
Yet not facing the ‘reality of the moment’ is……foolish.
Dealing with the ‘facts’…..head on…..working toward the best solution for all involved is certainly a healthy resolution to making life better on a daily basis….
Celebrating the ‘Good Life’ is a daily, continuous process….
solving yesterdays problems and issues is a must in order
to be free to ‘enjoy’ today….the present.
Sometimes I am so guilty of the nagging ‘unresolved’ issues that
I have placed on ‘hold’ in the back of my mind because I really did not
want to ‘face the facts’ at the moment….
Usually I have paid dearly for this ‘luxury’ for my mind will not rest until I have…..
’dealt with the problem’ in an honorable and peaceful manner… my own satisfaction….
I’ve gotta live with….me!
…..And truth be told, I’m the hardest person in the world to ‘get along’ with…..
sometimes I get ‘so mad at me’ as my nephew, Carlitos, says….
Finding that ‘anything that steals my ‘joy’ of life is truly problematic, I must at any given time depend on my faith in God to resolve many issues that are beyond human comprehension or ‘facts of the moment‘.
This is when ’prayer’ becomes ’the only answer’…..
My human reasoning just doesn’t work….for you see, God sees the ’big picture’.
Now this does not give me a ’license’ to fold my hands in ‘inactivity’
saying ’God will take care of it’……
From experience I find that once I have ’relinquished’ the situation, issue, problem to God...
and I quit wrestling with 'it' in my human mind…..
the current of energy changes in ways beyond my ability to understand ….
my part then becomes only that which I am held responsible and accountable…..
to God for…..
and not for the ’big picture’ which I had falsely allowed myself to believe……
It is then that I have…..Peace….
My ‘joy’ is restored…..I laugh and celebrate the goodness of God in blessing me,
yet again, with…..The Good Life!
Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently
By puttin your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee.

Aug 15, 2006

Joshua and his best friend, Max, with Neena at Sea World....

Joy Child

J o y....(FROM....The Daily Word....)

Joy shines in the light of gladness on the people around me....

and the world in which I live...
This gladness in my soul allows me to see the good that is present -
even though I may not understand the action of others
or the current situation that is puzzling to me.
Joy colors my world like the bright hues of a wonderful sunrise,
one which gives the hope and possible fulfillment of dreams for this very day....
The joy of God inside....erases any doubt or sorrow
and encourages me to know that,
like the sun rising in the morning sky,

Aug 13, 2006

Gracious Susan...a real live Southern Belle...
Live Well, Love Much and Laugh Often...our 'girlfriend' creed!

Steinhatchee, Florida....River, Rest and Relaxation became a 'blessed' time... our annual Steinhatchee scallop week-end....
the 'Todd House' is our favorite place....
seems we all 'needed' this retreat very much....
laughter was certainly therapeuptic for me ....
the 'Bozo's' that came along...minus one (Kurt)
....provided entertainment galore...

Our breakfast chef' 'not-so-happy volunteer but they served us...royally!

The singing flowed from their mouth with ease every time someone made any comment Susan & Charlie would sing the words in a song...they were really quite good...and entertaining for sure...

Sally making a wonderful shrimp surprise...did we ever 'eat good'....

What in the world is Bill doing to Sushi?

Sally & Susan ....two peas in a pod...'ladies-in-waiting'!

Sweet Sally with her hands full....

Morning preparation ....all is well...for now!

Pretty boy Bill....he's bad to the bone! Click on picture to enlarge to see Bill's 'niceness'....

Our next-door water neighbors...old Florida for sure...I love it!

Cpt. Charlie on his 'Go Gator' is...ecstatic!

See how sweet Bill is to Susan....taking care of his 'woman' ....and us too....he did admirably!