Mar 31, 2012

Accept God's Love

God says, "Live because of My Love!"
                                        Respond to Me,
            Love Me in thanks, NOT PAYMENT....
                        LIVE LIFE FULLY,
 in the FREEDOM of  knowing  YOU ARE LOVED!
                   Love is Accepted,  NOT EARNED!!!"

                               God IS Love.   (1 John 4:8b LB)
It is not something He does.... It Is WHO HE IS!!!

Mar 26, 2012

"You, Lord, are the Only God, ever seen or heard of....WHO WORKS MIRACLES FOR HIS FOLLOWERS... "

Isaiah 64:4

Money Can Not Buy This....

One of the many good things about believing on Jesus Christ,
                            It puts us on praying ground,
It puts us in the place where we may go to God
                      in every time of need
                                 and get from Him the very thing that we need and ask for.
I would rather be on praying ground,
                    Rather be in such a relationship to God
That He can and WILL answer my prayers,
To have the combined wealth of
                     A HUNDRED ROCKEFELLERS.......
Times will come in the life of every one of us sooner or later
When no earthly friend or family can help us,
                 And NO AMOUNT of wealth can help us;
but the time will NEVER come when
          God CANNOT help us and
                         Deliver us completely!

Mar 24, 2012

Joshua's Football~Family Reunion Time

Nena Lynn with Jude

Mother and Son, Eli
Pops and Jude

Mar 23, 2012

is to believe what we
do NOT see;
and the Reward of
is to SEE
what we

Mar 19, 2012

Memories of Family Times At This Place

Wow, how time flies!

Seems like yesterday that as young children, Britt, Carla, Matt and I did a 'teaching' game here after we had  our picnic of  'Coke & Snickers' .  We did a blindfold of two and each of us gave verbal instructions to our 'blind' person as to where to walk  around this garden area....the rule was that you must not place your person in any danger whatsoever, therefore you could trust the person giving you directions...
Then we traded off and the other two had the same experience...
.....Object experience, temporarily, the plight of a blind person first~hand, and also to know fully the meaning of  'trust'  from a 'trustworthy' person even in the dark....
A 'test of faith' in another was made real that day to the children and their 'wacky' teacher/MaMa.
Ask any of these children/adults now, and they will tell you that they 'members' that day...
These Family Memories  blessed me yesterday as Charlie and I walked around the Carillon Reserve Gardens and Park.
........A timely reminder, spiritually, that this is the way of  Faith....
And I hear an echo from the past that says, "This is the way....walk you in it...safely"...
Beauty Everywhere
Serenity.....Living Art.....
A Bridge of Faith your 'guide'....
Walking the Faith 
Unbelievable Joy of The Lord....Expressed Again!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Mar 18, 2012

Mar 17, 2012

Joshua....our 'Jbow' of the future....

Our star, Joshua aka; JJ, with proud Pops and little bro, Dylan

Yep, she is a 'football' Mom with her Viking shirt...Britt yells the loudest :)

Our Joshua is a blessing to EVERYONE...
   He and Pops are 'two peas in a pod'....sports is their 'thang'.....

Mar 10, 2012

Christmas in March....Whatever!!!

Cindy and I have been trying to get together and celebrate Christmas since early December.
Didn't happen!
Today we finally made it was fun because we each were loaded with gifts and we actually had forgotten what we had purchased until the gifts were opened...
It was filled with delight for me and much too long in the 'happening'........
Then off to Annie's Bait & Tackle in Bradenton for some of the best hamburgers ever....

Bob & Charlie were good sports about our  'wackiness' and added some of their own...

Waterside dining at Annie's Bait & Tackle

My dear Cindy.....she is precious to me....when I am with her I feel 'normal'!

                     ...The Spirit of Christmas is LOVE....
Yep, celebrating Christmas is FUN any month of the year....

Mar 5, 2012

Didja Kno?

We serve a ....Prayer Hearing,
       Prayer Answering....

Mar 2, 2012

We ALWAYS need....Divine Guidance.
Have you ever been at a 'Turning Point' in your life and didn't know
'which way to turn'?
Recently, this happened, again, to me and
I was reading my morning devotions when these
words 'jumped' out at me...
"As Your Plans Unfolds,
 EVEN The Simple Can Understand It...." 
 Psalm 119:129-131  Living Bible

Mar 1, 2012