Labor Day Lobster...Lots of Hard Labor...and Laughter and Love....
Matt, Pops and Chuck aka: Pipo, early morn prepare for 'hard labor'....
Kevin and JC are on the way...with equipment and muscles...
Laying new sod, rebuilding Tiki Hut and laying mulch, is the plan...
All are more than willing to help Pops catch up on his lost home maintenance time during his recent illness. We received the gift of time, energy, and love from our 'youngens'...
They certainly worked up an appetite too!
Chuck IV aka: Turk and Kason are ready....
Kevin does it first-class....ALWAYS!
Pops had to get involved...
Britt trying to distract JC while he and 'brother' Matt tackled the Tiki Hut...
"Yep, they are doing it right," says MaMa
Matt is doing what his Dad did many years ago on the original Tiki Hut...even had a bee sting yesterday and his Dad, Rich, had an angry scorpion bite 20+ years ago...

Yep, she distracted him :) or was it the other way around?
Good job guys...still needs a little more 'roofing' but Pops can handle it now....

Love in action...Kevin & Carla do mulching in courtyard...
Congratulations guys on your new house/home.
They just moved in on Friday but took today off to help Pops leaving their own work undone
God bless you all dear ones....
Britt gets walk way mulching duty...
Cousin Carla says, "I'll help so we can talk"...
Sons, Dylan and Kason, clown around trying to 'get out of work'....
Chuck IV, Turkey, inspects lobsters and thinks they are 'ugly'....
Baby Sebastian Aaron aka 'SeaBass' and Aunt Carla...he is such a happy baby...
Dylan (6) & Kason(5) take a break from the 'hard work of having fun' and swimming...
......and clowning around mostly.
We celebrated their birthday as well since they both have birthdays this week.
Britt with her 'Popie' 'babydoll' as she calls him...
Kevin, our gourmet cook consultant, says 'these dang lobsters need an injection'....
Kevin injects melted butter with lemon/lime juice and Old Bay, into the meat of the lobster...Yum, Yum....
"Everyone who honors the LORD,
who walks in God’s ways,
is truly happy!
You will definitely enjoy
what you’ve worked hard for—
you’ll be happy;
and things will go well for you.
In your house, your wife will be
like a vine full of fruit.
All around your table,
your children will be like olive trees,
freshly planted.
That’s how it goes for anyone
who honors the LORD:
they will be blessed!
May the LORD bless you continuously. .
May you experience God's goodness your whole life long.
And may you see your grandchildren/ and great~grands as well,
Peace to all....Peace be to Israel!"
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