Sep 11, 2012


It is Time.
Time is running out.
It is about Time!
You're forgiven, this Time.
What Time is it?
Another Time, please.
Come over someTime.
Time is short.
They have been through some rough Times.
I had Time on my hands.
It is Time to get up.
Paid double-Time.
It is closing Time....
He knew his Time had come.
Time out.
Time is money.
All in good Time.
For ole' Times sake.
Time will tell.
Living on borrowed Time.
Have the Time of your life.
Once upon a Time.......

And the list goes on and on.
This element called Time, is measured in clocks and calendars.
The past, present, and future is a continuous whole.
In physics, a quantity measuring duration, measured with reference to the rotation of the earth or from the vibrations of certain atoms.
Any way you look at it....TIME IS IMPORTANT!      TIME IS VITAL!
Psychologists assert that time seems to go faster with age, but the literature on this age-related perception of time remains controversial.
As an example, one day to an eleven-year-old person would be approximately 1/4,000 of their life, while one day to a 55-year-old would be approximately 1/20,000 of their life.
According to such an interpretation, a day would appear much longer to a young child than to an adult, even though the measure of time is the same.
In Ecclesiastes in the Bible it says this:

There’s a season for everything
and a time for every matter
under the heavens:
a time for giving birth
and a time for dying,
a time for planting and a time for uprooting what was planted,
a time for killing and a time for healing,
a time for tearing down
and a time for building up,
a time for crying and a time for laughing,
a time for mourning
and a time for dancing,
a time for throwing stones
and a time for gathering stones,
a time for embracing
and a time for avoiding embraces,
a time for searching
and a time for losing,
a time for keeping
and a time for throwing away,
a time for tearing
and a time for repairing,
a time for keeping silent
and a time for speaking,
a time for loving and a time for hating,
a time for war and a time for peace.
~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 CEB~

Knowing all of this makes me go back to the 'Author of Time' Himself.....
One who holds all time in His Hands and is the One qualified to use the term.....ETERNITY!

Eternity is a.........TIMELESS EXISTENCE.
                                                             TIME WITHOUT END!

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