Sep 14, 2002

Bliss Trip...

"Vignettes: A short, literary sketch"....says Webster.
In case I have blown you away with my previous vignettes, I will change to a more light hearted approach and tell you about a trip that I once took with my Mother, my sister, Joyce and my niece, Cindy. We had...... Fun, Fun, Fun.
Being a military family and living in Darmstadt, Germany and having my sister, Joyce live in Belgium with her military husband and family, we were very excited when we learned that our Mother and niece were coming for a visit.
Joyce and I made family arrangements and took a week or so to travel all around by car and show Mom and Cindy certain parts of Europe.
Traveling in a large size American car, arriving in Amsterdam during 5:00 p.m. bicycle traffic, was a sight to behold. Ascending up the winding trail to the Neuswanstein Castle, a Cinderella's dream, we were laughing and enjoying the good life that sharing with loved ones provide.
Crystal, china, Belgium rug factory shopping along the way provided many a treasure for our family and home. Paris was a hoot, traffic....educational!
Yes, a good time was had by all.....
When we, years later, reminisce....we still laugh at some of the fun, silly things we experienced in that once of a lifetime, "Bliss Trip" .
We took the be H A P P Y!!!

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