Sep 13, 2002

Idealized versus Reality....

Now that I have identified myself as an...’idealist’....maybe I had better define to you....from my point of view....or as some of our nautical friends so aptly remind....’that’s your opinion only’, what I think the ‘ideal’ really is by definition.

The ideal - thought of as a perfect example or model for thought or behavior.

We teach this to our children in the homes and also, schools in the ’right and wrong’ way of doing and being in life. There is an ‘ideal' in almost everything of life.

Ideal - as life should be.

Then the world of reality appears.


At times, reality seems the exact opposite of what has been taught as being the highest form of acceptance or standard value for an individual. Is it any wonder that an identity crisis often occurs at this point in life for our young people today?

Yes, reality and idealized go hand in hand. But unacceptable reality can function as a stepping stone for progress toward a higher ideal of the existing reality.

Reality is the making or breaking of the individual with high ideals and is a base for experience which helps realize the value of the ideal.

A resigned acceptance often leads to a mediocrity in personal attainment but an inner conflict results as a tug between what is and what life could be!

High ideals carried through the maze of reality and implemented to contribute meaningfully to our society as a whole, results in a positive forward process for all our fellow travelers in life.

It is then you can hear the refrain of a successful idealist....

It’s A Good Life!!!

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