Oct 1, 2002

The “Art” of Writing

Writing is an “Art” as is painting, sketching, dance, drama and music,
Colors and musical notes are used as tools of expressions by one who is creative in these forms.
For a writer, words have to paint a picture for the mind.
Creativity is the response from within as personal expressions are released
in any of these art forms.
The art of personal writing for me......is the sheer inspiration that I ’feel’ as I try to clothe these same feelings in words. I can never be indifferent to an experience and then expect to write about it.
I must personally feel....the beach, the sunset, the pain, the joy, the fun, the love, the victory....in order to describe it knowledgably to my own satisfaction.
This involves having a great ’passion’ for life.... feeling deeply within....and translating that ’emotion’ into an acceptable form of creativity.
There is an ’art’ to it.
The ’art’ is......Enjoying Life!

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