Oct 2, 2002

UNIQUE in ALL The World!

Do you know that there is only......one Y O U?
You may laugh and say, “It’s a good thing!” but God knew what He was doing when He made us.....uniquely different.
Would we not be bored to death if everyone around us was exactly like we are with the same dress, thinking, habits and opinions?
It takes the ‘different’ to interest us...to make us get ‘outside’ of our own selves, to challenge us, to entertain us, to educate us and to even....
“please us!”

My life and your life is unique to our own experiences and history.
We each supply meaning to people and things that varies according to our likes, dislikes, needs, wants and desires.
No two people are the same!
That is what makes life INTERESTING......
Like Forest Gump said in his movie....
“Life is like a box of chocolates.....
You never know what you’re gonna get!”

Use the talents that only you possess; the woods would be very silent IF no birds sang EXCEPT those who sang BEST!

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