Oct 16, 2002


From my perspective, we had a major ‘happening’ on our Florida Keys vacation.

Melissa and Kurt, our host and hostess, knew many of the other time share/condo owners because of their 20 years of family vacations. The Collins Family always go the 40th week of the year and so do many of the same owners.
On Monday, Melissa was speaking to one of the regulars she knew,
a man named Bert, originally from Connecticut..
She asked about his wife, Barbara.
Very sadly, he informed her that Barbara had died the last year and that he had brought her cremated ashes back to the place she loved so much. Melissa, knowing that he did not have a boat, offered to take him out in the Gulf in order to do his tribute. She told him to just set the day and time.
We talked about the situation among us and as we saw him from day to day his sadness was evident to all.
We felt for him in his pain.
Thursday became the chosen date. Thursday, also, provided the calmest seas of the entire week.
Charlie, Melissa and Kurt chose to take the boat trip along with Bert, his son and daughter-in-law.
We watched from the docks and our condo balcony as the boat slowly and carefully pulled out into the Gulf. Praying was my job.
It seemed as if we on the land......were holding our breaths.

With mission accomplished, Capt. Charlie reverently returned the boat to the dock.
Helpful crew, Kurt and Melissa unloaded their passengers.
Tears were evident in the family and with the participants as well.
Something sacred and holy had transpired and we all were a vital part of a great ...... Tribute of Love.
By helping another.....we were blessed!

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